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Yoongi ended up taking everyone out to dinner after the game. It was meant as a celebration, but Y/n wasn't celebrating anything. Especially not with him.

"Would you please behave?" Karina scolded Y/n.

Y/n kept refusing to order food.

"I don't want to be here. I told you," Y/n huffed under their breath.

- Y/N POV -

I didn't see why Jimin was forcing me to have dinner with my brother just because he seemed to treat Haerin well.

If anything, it was pissing me off even more that he treated Haerin better than me.

"How are your grades?" Yoongi as Haerin.

"Good," Haerin gave him a smile.

"Is my dongsaeng nice to you?" He followed up.

"Mhm, Y/n-ssi is really nice. They help me with my homework, and cook me meals, and help me with my shoes, and my laundry too," Haerin cutely answered.

"Really? Sounds like you two should be roommates at this point!" Yoongi chuckled.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, coldly saying... "We are roommates, you idiot."

"Y/n!" Karina immediately scolded.

I sighed out in frustration and just shut up.

"You are? Why didn't you say anything? I could've been sending you an allowance for two," Yoongi looked angry with me.

"Does Haerin have everything she needs? A bed? Food? Water? Clothes? Umbrellas? Stuffies and toys? School supplies are important too. She needs at least 5 pairs of uniforms and comfortable shoes," Yoongi started interrogating me...

But I didn't give him the pleasure of an answer.

"Wow, He really cares more about her than me?" I bitterly thought to myself.

"Y/n's got all of that covered," Karina answered him.

I glared at Jimin and she gave me a death stare. Later pinching me under the restaurant table for my behavior.

"Well, I'll make sure to make your allowance bigger so Haerin doesn't lack anything," Yoongi told Rina.

"It's okay, Oppa!" Haerin shyly interjected.

The whole time, I was just bitter and uncomfortable.

Yoongi never came around or acted like a loving brother. All of a sudden, he cared. All of a sudden he wants to show off that he can provide and be there for someone.

"What a load of crap," I sighed under my breath.

- Haerin POV -

I was really excited to hang out with Yoongi Oppa again. He was always so nice to me and he cared a lot.

Y/n didn't seem to feel the same way.

"Here's your food," The waiter finally came with our food.

Y/n had refused to get anything to eat. It made me wonder what had happened between Oppa and Y/n for Y/n to be acting so odd.

"Are you still boxing?" Oppa suddenly asked Y/n.

"No," Y/n coldly answered.

"Boxing?" I thought to myself.


Loud screaming rang through my ears and flashes of someone in boxing gear were going through my head.



"Ouuuch!!" I suddenly burned myself with my hot plate.

"Are you alright?!" Y/n and Yoongi Oppa suddenly exclaimed.

It looked like I was so distracted with whatever had just happened that I hurt myself.

"Let me see," Y/n suddenly grabbed my hand and started to blow on it.

"Her food must be really hot too. I'll cut it for her," Oppa suddenly said.

"Okay," Y/n-ssi answered...

But quickly changed their mind. "What? No. I can do that!" Y/n snatched my plate back from Oppa.

I didn't like to see them fight, but Y/n was acting really cute.

"Does it still hurt?" Y/n gently rubbed my finger.

I shook my head a bit hesitantly.

"Would a kiss make it all better?" Y/n sweetly asked.

I felt my cheeks start to get warm and my heart started racing. I hesitated a bit before shyly nodding in response.

Y/n then gently placed a soft kiss on my finger.....

And suddenly...

Everything went black.

- Karina POV -

Haerin kept going in and out of sleep.

It seemed like being at the hospital for so long was getting the best of her.

"I really think I should take her home," Yoongi sighed out.

Somehow, Haerin had convinced Oppa to keep Y/n on life support a little longer.

It was painful to see Y/n in their vegetative state, but it was even more painful to watch Haerin break apart at the mention of having to let Y/n go.

Y/n and Haerin had only been married for two years.

One year was wonderful... and the other was spent in the hospital...


"What do you think?" Yoongi asked me again.

I took a deep breath and looked over the sleeping Haerin next to me. She was mumbling in her sleep, like she always did...

"I wish we never met."

It broke my heart to hear her say that.

In Haerin's eyes, if her and Y/n had never even met.... then Y/n wouldn't be dying....

If they hadn't fallen in love... then neither of them would have had to suffer so much...

If they had never happened...










Author's Note: How's the story so far? >.<

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