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Haerin restrained herself from comforting Y/n's silent tears.

Even in a different timeline, Y/n still cried for their mom. For their parents...

Just like Haerin did at times.

- Haerin POV -

"I was scared for you!" Echoed through my ears.

My eyes fluttered opened to find "Southpaw" playing on the hospital room TV.

"So, That's what happened?" I thought to myself.

I rubbed my eyes a bit, yawing, as I got off my chair.

I hadn't even realized I had fallen back asleep.

My eyes looked around the room to find that I was alone with Y/n.

Y/n was still in the same state.

"Y/n's breathing if you're worried!" I heard Unnie's familiar voice.

"I'm not!" I answered back.

I turned back just in time to watch Karina unnie walk out of the room.

It seemed like I spent more time awake nowadays. But as always, Y/n's eyes remained closed.

"I wonder what you're dreaming about?" I whispered as I kissed Y/n's forehead.

A breeze suddenly made its way into the room. It looked like Unnie opening the door allowed for a bit of chaos in the room.

I heard a slight shifting noise filling the room...

And I noticed Oppa's notebook flipping like an old notebook filled with stories.

I knew Oppa had been writing a book, so I walked over to see if he had made any progress. I looked at the manga a bit curiously before sitting down to read it.

I was quite enjoying it...

Up until I noticed what his book was even about...

My heart sank to my stomach at every single word each character spoke.

It was exactly what Y/n and I were going through. Word for word. Line by line. Oppa's story mirrored the situation going on with Y/n right now.

"Oh, you're looking at the new chapter?" Oppa suddenly walked back into the room.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry!" I awkwardly got up to get back to my seat.

"It's alright. Do you want to read it to Y/n with me?" Oppa asked.

I furrowed my brows a bit confused. "You read your story to Y/n?" I asked.

"Yeah, when you and Karina are asleep I read my story to Y/n. I don't want either of you to know what's going on in the story until it gets published but I'll make an exemption today," Oppa gave me a wide smile.

"Okay," I lowly responded.

- Yoongi POV -

Frog was acting a bit weird.

"She loving wiped the dead skin of me. She was my wife at the end of the day," I read out loud.

"That line doesn't sound right," I quickly scratched off that panel.

"It's okay, I think it's good!" Haerin suddenly grabbed my pencil.

"But it's too early for Y/n to understand the story!" I got defensive.

"I think Y/n just needs to let the story go on," Haerin sighed.

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