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It had been an awkward weekend so far.

"Alright, let's take her to the Zoo," Karina sighed out.

Karina, and Y/n, had been talking back and forth about figuring out a way to get Haerin out of her room. Haerin would only come out for food or snacks, and it was starting to worry the couple.

Little did the couple know, Haerin was just trying to avoid watching them kiss and act like a couple.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n and Karina-ssi had invited me to go to the movies with them.

It felt really uncomfortable...

But I didn't want to be rude. 

"Have you ever used the train before?" Y/n asked.

I shook my head in response.

I had used the train before. When I was a kid, with my parents, but I had never used the train by myself.

"Do you want us to teach you how to use it?" Y/n asked.

"It's pretty self-explanatory. I'm sure she understands," Karina-ssi suddenly interjected.

Y/n didn't give her a response and instead turned to the ticket dispenser. "Come on, I'll teach you," Y/n signaled me over.

I walked over to see what Y/n was doing.

"See, you press right here, pay, then grab your ticket. It says what train you need to take on the ticket, so try to make sure you take the right train whenever you feel the need to use it," Y/n explained.

I looked up at Y/n a bit confused.

Somehow, it felt like Y/n had taught me how to use the train before.

"Got it?" Y/n asked.

I hesitantly nodded in response.

"Hey, the train is coming!" Karina-ssi suddenly informed us.

I could hear the train approaching and my ears began to hurt.

I could every screechingly painful sound the train was making. From the wheels turning to the brakes attempting to stop the train.

"Are you alright?" Y/n suddenly asked.

I hadn't realized that Karina-ssi and Y/n were already halfway into the train.

I followed along and sighed of relief once the train noises lessened inside the train.

"What movie should we watch?" Karina-ssi suddenly asked.

"I don't know. Haerin-ssi, can pick," Y/n answered her.

I shook my head and awkwardly responded, "No. No. I'm just joining your date. Watch whatever you two had picked."

Karina-ssi just giggled.

"We just wanted to take you out," Y/n explained.

"We didn't want you all bored in your room," Karina-ssi added.

I pouted a bit from the sudden information.

I had been trying to avoid the couple to give them their privacy, but all of a sudden they wanted me around them.

For the rest of the train ride, I was in my own world.

The train was getting packed by the second but I didn't mind since I knew we would be getting off soon.

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