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Everything had gone black again.

The painful beeping of the heart monitor echoed in the darkness. Footsteps could be heard scattering around the vast emptiness.

"Where have you been?" A whisper was eerily amplified.

"You said you'd help her. What happened?" Y/n angrily asked.

Y/n was sitting in the middle of the emptiness. Trying to remain calm. Trying to remember how things got to where they were.

The familiar presence gave no response. Instead, hiding in the darkness in embarrassment.

"You promised this wouldn't happen. Why is this happening?" Y/n was trying to hold up their tears.

- Y/N POV -

"It's not her fault. She's not the only one keeping you alive. We're all hoping and praying that somehow you make it through... even if it's without her...," Karina coldly answered me.

I tightened my jaw in anger.

Karina had promised me that she'd take care of Haerin. She had promised that she'd help Haerin grief and help her understand that I wasn't going to be there anymore.

Karina was even the first person I had ever encountered in my coma dreams.

At the time I thought they were just dreams, but when Haerin started coming around and my life started to be rewritten... I knew I wasn't just dreaming....

"You're all keeping me hostage in this prison of pain because you're cowards," I coldly replied.

"Maybe we're all just wishing for a happy ending," Karina didn't hesitate to respond.

I took a deep breath.

I didn't like this concept of having my history rewritten. To me, my life might have not been what I wanted... but it was my life... it was my story... my real story.

I did not want my story rewritten.

My happy ending was knowing that I am who I am and everything that happened to me was the reason why.

I liked that I didn't have parents growing up. I liked that I was bonded to Haerin, even though I didn't remember. I liked knowing that all the suffering, fear, laughter, and love made me who I was.

I liked my story... because it had her in it...


"I wish you all would just let me go," I sighed.

"You keep placing blame on us, but I think you're the one who doesn't want to let go," Karina suddenly took a step closer.

"I think you're the one who truly wishes you two had never met."


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