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Months had gone by and the end of the school year was coming around.

With the change in schools and switch in schedules, Haerin and Y/n were starting to feel like nothing more than just roommates.

Y/n always made sure to give Haerin their time when needed. They always made sure she didn't lack anything or that she wasn't struggling too much...

But other than that, Y/n just let Yoongi deal with Haerin.

Haerin on the other hand, she found that Y/n didn't seem too interested in anything. She was starting to think that there was really no point in keeping her hopes up. Y/n was the way they were and that was it.

Both of them had let each other go in a way, but something was soon to come that would come between them even more.

- Y/N POV -

"Congratulations, Captain!!" The team ran around cheering around the school.

I was one of the three kids selected into an early university program.

I had applied to the program to be able to finish school earlier. I had no idea if I even had a shot, but everything worked out in the end.

"Heard Minji and Yeji got selected too," Karina told the team.

Karina and Jeno had been dating for a while at this point.

I was over it.

It didn't seem that important to me anymore that Karina cheated on me.

I figured she must have been feeling some type of way long before we even broke up. Whether it was her fault or my fault or both of ours was still a mystery, but it didn't matter.

"Yeji? Your friend?" I asked a bit curious.

"Yeah!" She giggled a little.

- Haerin POV -

"Congratulations!!!" The whole school congratulated Minji and The Vice President, Yeji, for getting into the early access program.

Everyone was really, but me.

Minji unnie would get to go to university earlier than everyone else, and I was really happy for her, but I also didn't want to be left alone.

Minji unnie was the one to hold the whole group together. She was a little annoying at times and we bickered a lot, but I didn't want to lose her like I lost Y/n.

"You didn't want to celebrate with your friend?" Yoongi Oppa asked me when I got in the car.

The girls were going out to eat to celebrate Minji unnie's success, but I didn't want to go.

"Why would I celebrate losing another friend?" I thought to myself.

"No, Y/n is making something yummy today. I don't want to make them feel bad," I gave Oppa a smile.

"Alright," Oppa answered.

When I got home, I was disappointed to find out that Y/n was out celebrating with the team for getting into the same early access program Unnie had gotten into.

"Takeout it is," I sighed to myself.

Y/n had taught me a lot of things while we lived together. It helped me become very independent...

But I liked it best when it felt like Y/n babied me.

Y/n wasn't like the rest.

Y/n didn't treat me like other people did. They didn't treat me like I was stupid or like I couldn't handle myself.

But, I saw now that Y/n didn't need me like I needed them.

This whole college thing was just another realization that eventually and always...

I will be alone.








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