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The weekend ended up passing by kind of fast. Karina, Y/n, and Haerin just ended up learning a little more about each other.

Though Haerin didn't like sharing much and Y/n wasn't one to be vulnerable around strangers, they all still managed to learn the basics about each other.

- Haerin POV -

Karina unnie was a lot nicer than I thought. I now understand why Y/n was dating her.

"Leave her alone, Jay," Karina unnie pushed Jay away from me.

Karina unnie had to walk me to school because Y/n had started having basketball practice in the morning.

"Hey, Gorgeous!" Y/n suddenly popped up behind us.

"Hi, Baby!" Karina unnie greeted Y/n with a kiss.

"Captain!" Jay suddenly bowed at Y/n.

Y/n took a deep breath and pulled Jay to the side. It looked like Y/n was lecturing him or something.

"And leave her alone. She's under my protection now!" Y/n yelled at Jay as he was forced to walk in the opposite direction he came from.

It made me feel a little weird to have the IT couple of the school as my only friends, but it was better than getting bullied every day.

"Kang Haerin-ssi, did you grab the lunch I left you on the table?" Y/n suddenly asked me.

"Mhm, thank you!" I giggled.

It was hard not to smile when Y/n was around.

Y/n always brought me peace and comfort.

"Great! I'll see you after school then," Y/n gave me a wide smile before pulling Karina unnie to class.

- Karina POV -

It was raining all day and I had recently learned how terrified Haerin and Y/n were of the rain.

I always knew they were scared of the rain but I didn't know it was that bad.

"Just get it the car!" I yelled at the pair.

I had skipped my last class to go get my car.

I didn't want Y/n and Haerin to have to walk in the rain. I could only imagine how hard it must really be for them during rainy days.

"Absolutely not!" Y/n yelled back.

"Oh, come on. I went all the way home so you two wouldn't have to walk in the rain!" I yelled in frustration.

Y/n and Haerin just kept refusing.

Over the weekend, I realized how similar Y/n and Haerin were.

Not exactly the same, but they complimented each other.

"I didn't ask you to do that!" Y/n yelled at me from the school entrance.

"You didn't have to ask! I did it for the both of you! Because I care about the both of you!" I yelled in anger.

Y/n didn't give me a response and instead turned to look at Haerin. Y/n said something to Haerin, and Haerin nodded. Y/n's umbrella suddenly went up and the pair walked over to my car.

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked Haerin.

Haerin nodded a bit hesitantly, and the pair finally got into my car.

"Just drive safely. I'm scared of rain as it is," Y/n said as they put their seatbelt on.

"Is your seatbelt on?" Y/n turned to ask Haerin.

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