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Haerin hadn't noticed that she was in the wrong bed until halfway through the night.

"Y/n-ssi," Hearing shook Y/n awake.

"What is it?" Y/n yawned.

"H-how did I end up here?" Haerin nervously asked.

Y/n looked at Haerin a bit confused before sitting up on the bed. "You don't remember crawling into bed with me last night?" Y/n asked.

Haerin hesitantly shook her head.

Y/n sighed and tried not to tell it break their heart.

Every time Y/n thought that Haerin was coming around to facing reality, it was just the opposite.

- Y/N POV -

"You must have been tired and walked in here thinking it was Danielle's room or something," I was tired of this confusing situation.

"Umm, but I went to sleep before everyone else," Haerin mumbled a bit.

"Well, I don't know," I said a bit annoyed and laid back down.

Haerin looked at me with confused kitty eyes and started to get out of bed.

I just watched.

I was waiting for Haerin to someone change her mind or tell me how nice it felt to sleep with me again, but I got none of that.

Haerin just went to her own room without saying anything else.

- Haerin POV -

"OPPAAAA!!!" I heard screaming and running all around the house.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I could see Hyein putting on her shoes.

"Jin Oppa!!" I heard screaming coming from the living room.

"Jin oppa?" I thought to myself.

I was a little tired to pay much mind to it, but then I suddenly realized....

I jolted up from my bed and quickly ran out of the room.

I froze once I saw what everyone was making a fuss about.

It was Yoongi oppa and his friends.

"OPPA!!" I squealed from happiness.

"Haerin!!" Namjoon oppa was the first one to greet me with a hug.

"Haerin-ah!!" Jungkook oppa followed along.

Before I knew it, I had all of my Oppas hugging me tightly and petting me.

"Where's Y/n?" Jin oppa asked.

I shrugged a bit confused.

"Don't tell me you two broke up?!" Oppa exclaimed.

"Broke up?" Minji unnie asked a bit confused.

"Yeah, you two were such a cute couple. Where's Y/n? I'm gonna beat them up if they broke your precious heart," Jin oppa looked around the house.

"Umm, Y/n and I have never dated," I answered a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah, you have! Stop messing with us!" Hoseok oppa chuckled.

"No, we haven't," Someone coldly stated.

It was Y/n.

"Not in this timeline at least," Y/n sighed out.

The whole house suddenly turned quiet. Everyone was staring at Y/n.

"Hahahahah!" Jin oppa randomly started laughing.

"You're messing with us, right?!" He looked genuinely confused.

"Yeah, that's a good one!" Jungkook oppa patted Y/n's back.

"What's going on?" I started to feel really confused.

"Yeah, alright. Whatever," Y/n lowly said before going back to into their bedroom.

- Yoongi POV -

Our trip was coming to an end and I was starting to feel really strange.

Everything felt wrong.

I hadn't realized how odd everything felt, until Jin mentioned Y/n and Haerin dating.

It almost felt like he was right.

It felt like something had happened between Haerin and Y/n. Like something really important. Something I couldn't remember.

I could feel it though.

The way they kissed that night at the Gala.

The way Y/n had been acting the entire trip. The way it seemed like Haerin was clinging onto Y/n the entire time we were playing games.

It all seemed so natural that no one even batted an eye to question it.

"Alright, see you back home!" I waved all of our friends goodbye.

Y/n just gave everyone a polite bow before boarding the bus back to head home.

It didn't take long for us to get back home after that.

"Bye," Y/n lowly told the girls as we got off the bus.

I watched as Y/n fully ignored Haerin as we got off and my chest started to hurt.

"Something is wrong here," I thought to myself.

I bowed to all the staff and hugged all the girls goodbye. By the time I was off, Y/n was already halfway down the block.

"Hey!" I yelled down the street.

Y/n just ignored me.

I sighed in frustration and started making my way over to Y/n.

"What the fuck was that about?!" I tried to get Y/n's attention again.

Y/n didn't pay me any mind.

I speeded up my pace and finally managed to catch up to Y/n. I grabbed Y/n's wrist and angrily asked... "What's with you?!"

"Let go," Y/n coldly glared at me.

"Tell me what's going on? Did you and Haerin date?" I sternly asked.

Y/n snatched their wrist from my grip and rolled their eyes.

"I don't even know anymore," Y/n sighed before continuing to walk away.







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