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Y/n was left confused and heartbroken. It seemed like Haerin didn't love them anymore. Haerin really wanted everything between them to have never happened.

Even though Y/n wanted to follow after Haerin, they couldn't...

There were doctors and nurses all around them.

- Haerin POV -

"Stay away from me. You're creeping me out," I coldly told Y/n before walking out of the room.

I had no idea what was going on and it was scaring me.

I walked out of the room and suddenly everything looked different.

"I don't remember the hospital looking like this?" I thought to myself.

I was so creeped out by the feeling that I walked back into Y/n's hospital room.

"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" Karina suddenly asked Yoongi Oppa.

"Wait, Karina?" I started to get really confused.

I looked around the room and noticed Y/n was sleeping on their hospital bed. They had more tubes attached to them than before.

"Wait, when did Oppa get back?" I wondered.

There was another person in the room...

Someone I couldn't recognize, but their clothes looked similar to something I had in my closet when I was younger.

I stepped a little closer to see if I could maybe recognize who it was but immediately stepped back, a bit startled, when I saw a distorted face on the person's body.

"What's going on?" I started to panic.

"Haerin will probably wake up way before Y/n does," Yoongi Oppa suddenly joked.

I furrowed my brows a bit.

"Is that... me?" I wondered.

I stepped a little closer to see if I could make out the face on the distorted person, but a beeping noise suddenly started going off.

"Y/n is flatlining again!" Karina exclaimed and quickly ran out of the hospital room.

"Dammit Haerin, why can't you just let Y/n go!" Yoongi suddenly punched down on the sofa he was sitting in.

"This is too weird. What the hell is going on?!" I started to panic.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my hand.

I turned to find Y/n standing next to me.

Y/n didn't seem like themselves though. They seemed more transparent like, almost like a ghost.

"Please, go back. Please fix everything so I can say goodbye. I can't hold out any longer," Y/n's faint voice begged.

"What is it that I need to fix?" I softly asked.

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