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After another rain incident, Haerin noticed that Y/n started acting distant again. She worried that her lack of umbrella was driving Y/n away....

But in reality, Y/n just knew that their partner project would soon come to an end.

Y/n didn't find much reason to keep talking to Haerin.

Specially, not after it made their girlfriend jealous.

- Karina POV -

Y/n and I were walking into school, hand in hand, when we suddenly heard screaming coming from the main entrance.

We didn't pay much mind to it.

We already knew who was yelling.

It was Jay.

Jay would yell at everyone when was mad in the morning

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Jay would yell at everyone when was mad in the morning.

It wasn't anything new.

What was new.... was Jay and his boys.... terrorizing someone in front of the whole school.

Jay was ripping up someone's notebook and going through their backpack. While his boys held the person back.

That said person being...


Jay would usually bully Haerin in passing or in secret.

It was never like this.

"Owww," I suddenly felt Y/n tighten their grip on my hand.

Y/n was pissed, but wasn't doing anything about it. I wasn't even sure I wanted them to do anything about it.

"You freak! Don't you know no one could fall in love with someone like you?!" Jay was yelling at Kang Haerin really bad.

I was actually really surprised that Haerin could take all of that. If it was me, I would have been crying by now.

"Why can't you fucking act your age?! You're not a little kid anymore!!" He kept yelling at her.

Suddenly, I felt Y/n let go of my hand and they started marching over to the situation.

Y/n pushed Jake and Sunghoon off Haerin and then turned to push Jay up against a locker. "I've told you to stop messing with her!" Y/n yelled at them.

The whole school went silent.

Haerin suddenly ran into Y/n's arms....

And my blood began to boil.

- Haerin POV -

I was so relieved that Y/n had finally gotten to school.

Y/n was the only one to ever defend me against Jay and his friends.

Usually, Jay wasn't that bad but this time he had been yelling at me for 15 minutes after I rejected him.

Jay had asked me out on a date, but I refused.

I ignored him for a bit after that. Just trying to take some last minute notes for my presentation with Y/n, when Jay suddenly noticed Y/n's name with some hearts all over my notebook.

I had forgotten to rip out the last page I had doodled on in my notebook.

I don't know what happened after that.

Jay just became enraged.

It all felt helpless, until finally came up to save me.

"I've told you to stop messing with her!" Y/n yelled at Jay and his friends.

Y/n looked really upset and so did Jay.

I didn't want Y/n to get hurt or get in a fight with Jay, so I ran into Y/n's arms. It took Y/n a bit to place their arms around me but, eventually, I felt Y/n's gentle hands on me.

Oddly enough, I felt really safe in Y/n's embrace.

It was really weird.

It felt so nice.

Out of nowhere, I felt Y/n's warm hand press up against my ear and Y/n began to yell.


After a few seconds, Y/n pulled away from me and I felt unsafe again.

It was really weird, but I was thankful for the little peace I got for a second there.

"Are you alright?" Y/n asked.

I nodded in response.

"If anyone ever brothers you again, just come and tell me. Okay?" Y/n gave me a soft smile.

I shyly smiled back and nodded again.

Y/n then turned around but seemed a little lost. "Where did she go?" I heard them mumble.

Y/n was about to walk away, when I finally decided to speak up about something.

"Umm... Y/n-ssi?" I shyly tried to get Y/n's attention again.

Y/n turned back to face and tilted their head. "Yes, Haerin-ssi?" Y/n responded.

I swallowed the knot forming in my throat and exhaled deeply.

"How did you know to cover my ears?" I managed to ask.

Y/n looked at me a little confused.

"It just felt like the right thing to do," Y/n lowly answered.

- Y/N POV -

It seemed like a silly question that Haerin was asking. Yet, something made me wonder why I did do that.

"She's sensitive to noise, you asshole!" Suddenly echoed in my head.

My ears began to ring and I felt really dizzy.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Haerin suddenly asked.

"Huh?" I asked a little confused.

I wasn't sure why Haerin had just addressed me informally.

We didn't know each other that well.

"Babe!" I heard Karina yell.

The ringing in my ear suddenly stopped and I felt much better.

"Wtf?" I thought to myself.

"That was really weird," I mumbled under my breath.

"Come on. We're gonna be late to class," Karina signaled me.

I waved Haerin goodbye and went on my way to meet back up with Jimin.

"Are you alright?" Karina asked.

"Yeah," I said a bit dazed over the odd sensation I had just felt.

"That was kind of hot," Karina teased.

I chuckled at her remark and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we headed to class.








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