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Friday had finally come around, and Y/n was worried about having to spend two whole days alone with Haerin in the house.

After all, Haerin was a little odd.

But Y/n wasn't the only one worried about Haerin's first weekend at the house...

- Karina POV -

I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the whole 'Haerin Lives with Me' concept. On one hand, I understood. Haerin had nowhere else to go.....

But on the other hand, why should that be Y/n's problem?

"I think maybe I'll take her to the museum or something?" Y/n kept trying to figure out a plan for the weekend.

"Or maybe the movies? Or the Zoo?" Y/n kept thinking out loud.

"Nah, the Zoo sounds kind of dumb," Y/n looked kind of stressed.

"Why does it sound like you're planning a date?" I tried to tease.

"I'm not! I just don't want her staring at me for two days straight like she already does," Y/n got a little defensive.

I wasn't sure if Y/n thought I was jealous or if they were just really stressed out about having Haerin in the house, so I tried to ease the burden.

I cupped Y/n's face with one hand and pecked their lips. "How about, I sleep over this weekend and we can find ways to entertain her together?" I suggested.

Y/n gave me a sweet smile, pulled me into a kiss, and whispered against my lips... "I'd like that!"

Our kissing intensified for a second and we were about to start making out, when we suddenly heard running and screaming coming from down the hall. 

Y/n and I pulled away from each other's lips and someone suddenly came running to hide behind Y/n.

It was Kang Haerin.

- Y/N POV -

I was caught off guard by the fact that Haerin came running to hide behind me. For a second, I was really confused...

Until, I saw Jay coming to a stop in front of me.

"What have I told you?" I coldly asked Jay.

I could feel Haerin suddenly grab a hold of my uniform.

"She said she was staying at your place tonight and I told her that lying is wrong. So, I wanted to teach her a lesson!" Jay tried to justify his actions.

I furrowed my brows at the lack of respect Jay had for Haerin.

"First of all," I clenched my fist in anger.

"It is not your job to punish, Haerin-ssi. It is not your job to punish anybody," I hissed under my breath.

"And second," I stepped up to his face.

"Haerin-ssi does live with me now. She's my new roommate, and if you have a problem with that... I suggest you don't. Don't forget I have the power to kick you out of the team...," I sternly told him the facts.

Jay gulped a bit and took a step back.

"Sorry, Captain!" He bowed.

- Haerin POV -

I felt really bad about running up to hide behind Y/n, but I didn't know what else to do.

"Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to Haerin-ssi," Y/n was clenching their fist pretty tightly.

I was about to reach over to prevent Y/n from getting into a fight because of me, when Karina-ssi suddenly grabbed a hold of Y/n's fist.

"I'm sorry, Haerin-ah!" Jay tried to awkwardly apologize.

I just hid closer to Y/n's back and held tightly to their uniform.

"That's enough. You're dismissed," Y/n sighed out.









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