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"Alright, everyone. Seat down!" The teacher announced as she walked into the class.

Everyone quickly obeyed, except for one student.

Kang Haerin was in the back of the class deciding what color pens she was going to use for the day.

"Haerin, hurry up. I don't have all day!" The teacher said a bit annoyed.

All the teachers at the school were used to Haerin's odd behavior, but that didn't mean it didn't irritate them from time to time.

- Karina POV -

Class was going by real slow.

It felt like two hours had passed by and the teacher wouldn't shut up. I was about to just lay my head down and go to sleep.... when I suddenly caught sight of something...

"She's doing it again," I thought to myself in annoyance.

Haerin was drawing hearts all over her notebook along with Y/n's name.

I rolled my eyes trying to ignore it.

For the last couple of weeks, every time I would turn in Haerin's direction, she was writing Y/n's name in her notebook.

This wasn't the first time I had caught someone swooning over Y/n, but it was the first time I had caught Haerin doing it.

I had nothing against it at first.

That's until, Y/n started talking about Haerin a little more than usual.

Usually, Y/n would just bring up Haerin when Jay was teasing her or because I had said something that maybe was a little rude.

But lately, every time I called out Y/n for talking about Haerin, Y/n would say I was the one who started it or they'd make the excuse that they were project partners...

But sometimes it felt like it was more than that.


The lunch bell suddenly rang and I was sucked out of my thoughts.

"Where's Y/n?" Jeno asked me as I walked into the cafeteria.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Aren't you worried that Y/n's been hanging out with Haerin a lot? I mean, what if she tries to make a move?" Jeno was trying to put thoughts in my head again.

"Haerin seems too innocent for that. Y/n's just trying to be nice anyway. Set an example for the team so they stop bullying her," I sternly answered.

As much as it bothered me that Haerin seemed to have a crush on Y/n, I never really thought she was capable of doing anything about it.

Kang Haerin wasn't really Y/n's type anyway.

- Y/N POV -

Another school day had passed and it was time for practice.

I felt really tired from staying up all night to prepare meals for Haerin, so I didn't have as much energy as I would have liked.

Over dinner, I had realized that Haerin wasn't like most kids her age. I now understood why Jay, and others around the school, called her childish or no fun.

Haerin simply didn't like what most people our age did and she was a lot more sensitive than most people.

Mainly, I realized that she wasn't all there... when she told me she was about to put a can of soup in her microwave...

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