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"Why are you acting like this?" Haerin was upset.


"Stop," Haerin set the tone for the night.

"I'm not a kid anymore. Stop treating me like it," Haerin said as she covered her ears.

"I'm not-"

"We've been here before," Haerin tried to get her point across.

"This is your last fight. Your last stand. Our last time," Haerin wasn't holding back.

- Y/N POV -

"It's our last time, Y/n-ssi!!" Haerin kept yelling from the sidelines.

I didn't know why she kept saying that.

"Win for me, baby!!" Haerin yelled from the front row.

"Baby?" I thought to myself.

A jab hit me a little too hard and I found myself cornered on the ropes.

"Y/n, my ears hurt!" I heard Haerin screaming from the sideline.

I quickly put my arms up and set myself up for a hard punch.


A quick round change came around and I found myself at my corner again.

"Baby, my ears hurt!" My wife wasn't holding up as well as she usually did.

"I got it, baby. We'll go home soon!" I yelled back.

"Please!!" I could see Haerin plugging her ears.


The bell rang again...

And I went all out.

"Heard your wife is retarded?" The American taunted.

I growled under my breath and threw my hardest punches.

"Yeah! Let the beast out!!" My opponent kept taunting me.

I tried to keep my cool.

"She's not even that cute. How can you like someone like her?" The dumbass kept trying to get me angry.

Only this time, he did.

"You are so dead!" I lowly said as I gave him my hardest punch.

"She's just as stupid as-"

"Educate yourself!" I gave my best left hook...

And watched my opponent fall to the mat.

The crowd started to go crazy and I quickly ripped my gloves off.

We Never Happened | Haerin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now