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Y/n didn't worry too much about what Haerin said. Y/n's brother had a lot of fans.

Y/n had gotten used to all kinds of people calling their brother Oppa or Hyung.

"Do you like my brother's games too?" Y/n asked Haerin during dinner.

"No," Haerin lowly answered.

"Then how do you know my brother?" Y/n asked a bit confused.

"He used to tutor me when I was a kid, before my parents died," Haerin lowly answered.

The dinner table came quiet and Karina became super uncomfortable.

- Karina POV -

I had stayed behind for dinner to make sure that Y/n was able to handle Haerin, but it quickly became very uncomfortable.

Y/n didn't like talking about their brother very much.

It seemed like Y/n thought that Haerin was just another fan of Yoongi Oppa.

But, it was far from the truth.

"Have you played any of his games?" I tried to rail the conversation into a different direction.

Y/n was always resentful of their brother for abandoning them. I could only imagine how Y/n would feel knowing that there was a point in Yoongi's life where he actually cared about people.

"No," Haerin answered me.

"He used to tutor you? When?" Y/n coldly asked.

"When I was in elementary school," Haerin answered.

The dinner table became quiet after that.

Y/n ate their food then got up from the table without saying anything. Before I knew it, Y/n was locked up in their room.... refusing to talk to anybody....

- Haerin POV -

I was confused on why Y/n wouldn't talk to me or Karina unnie.

After dinner, Y/n just kind of spent the whole night in their room.

"Don't worry about Y/n, they're just really tired today," Karina unnie tried to reassure me...

But I knew she was lying.

"Why has Y/n lived all alone all these years?" I curiously asked unnie.

It didn't seem right that Yoongi oppa just up and left Y/n all alone.

"Something happened in Y/n's life that separated them from their brother. I guess after that Y/n just learned to be alone," Karina explain.

"What happened?" I followed a bit sadden.

Karina unnie took a deep breath and shrugged. "I don't know. Y/n doesn't like to talk about it," she sighed out.

I inhaled deeply and let it out.

Y/n was a bigger mystery than I expected.

- Y/N POV -

I kept tossing and turning in my bed.

It really sucked to know that Yoongi used to care about people before. Now, he was all bitter and couldn't care less about the people around him.

More importantly, he couldn't care less about me.

As long as I got my monthly allowance, then Yoongi could feel at peace with himself.


"Y/n-ssi?" Haerin whispered through my door.

Haerin had been trying to get my attention for a few hours now.

At first, I didn't feel so bad because Karina was there to help her but Karina had gone home. So, I had no choice but to get out of bed.

"What?" I coldly asked as I opened my bedroom door.

"Ummm... I don't understand my homework...," Haerin awkwardly told me.

I sighed and grabbed the book from her hand.

"It's easy, just follow the formula. Input these numbers here and follow the steps," I sighed out in frustration.

Haerin seemed a little lost still, yet she nodded like she understood.

I rolled my eyes a bit annoyed.

"C'mon, I'll help you finish," I sighed out and walked over to help her in her bedroom.

But when I walked in....,

Everything looked different.

"Y/n-ah!" I heard yelling from the kitchen.

I walked over to see what it was, and it was my brother.

"Did you two sleep well? How's sharing a room?" Yoongi asked me with a gummy smile.

I looked at him a bit confused and walked back into the bedroom to see what the hell was going on.

"Y/n-ssi?" Haerin looked at me a bit confused.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" Haerin furrowed her brows.

I walked looked outside the bedroom and the atmosphere felt different again.

I was so confused.

"Yeah, sorry," I mumbled.






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