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Y/n was bothered that Yoongi refused to go home. He wanted to check out their childhood home and make sure that Haerin had everything she needed.

"Dude, just go home!" Y/n said all annoyed.

Karina had gotten a call from her parents so she had to go home right after dinner. There was no one there to tell Y/n to behave.

"I just want to look!" Yoongi husked out.

"I thought it fucking depressed you to even step foot in the house. Isn't that why you abandoned me in the middle of the fucking night?" Y/n hissed.

Haerin looked at the pair a bit uncertain. She didn't know who to side with or how to even get them to stop fighting.

- Haerin POV -

"Why can't you understand that I didn't know what else to do?" Yoongi oppa raised his voice at Y/n.

"Because you had a duty of care!! You can't just leave a minor all alone!!" Y/n yelled back.

Y/n looked really upset, and I knew what it felt like to be left all alone when you really needed someone. Especially, when you're a kid.

"I WAS YOUNG TOO!!" Yoongi oppa screamed at the top of his lungs.

His screams caused my ears to vibrate in pain and I suddenly found myself in Y/n's arms.

"Are you alright?" Y/n looked at me confused.

"Did I scare you? Why did you just run into Y/n's arms like that?" Yoongi oppa asked.

I could still feel my ears ringing and vibrating from the screaming. I couldn't bring myself to answer and instead covered my ears to try to stop the ringing.

Y/n suddenly held me tightly and raised their hand to cover my ear.

"You hurt her ears, you idiot!" I muffly heard Y/n scold Oppa.

"Y/n-ssi," I groaned out in pain.

"Yes, Haerin-ssi?" Y/n softly asked.

"P-please don't curse," I stuttered out.

"Okay," Y/n answered me with a kiss on the top of my head.

- Y/N POV -

Something about having Haerin in my arms made me forget about all the angry feelings I had.

"I'm sorry, Frog. I had forgotten," Yoongi suddenly started to apologize.

Haerin didn't give him a response, so Yoongi tried to step closer to get her attention. He was about to reach his hand out to tap her shoulder, when my protective side kicked in and I quickly stopped him. "Please don't touch her," I coldly told him.

Something was so different about Haerin... I didn't want anyone to touch her... I didn't want anyone to harm her...

The feeling always came out of nowhere.

90% of my day, I wouldn't even think much about Haerin... all I cared about was school, basketball, and food... sometimes not even Karina would come to mind...

But that 10%...

That 10% felt strong.

It felt like the second someone hurt Haerin, I could burn the whole world down in pure rage.

It was strange.

"Let's at least get her inside. It looks like it's about to rain," Yoongi suggested.

I sighed, knowing he was right, and unconsciously picked Haerin up in my arms to take her inside the house.

"Y/n-ah," Haerin suddenly snuggled into my chest.

"Y/n-ya?" I thought to myself.

"Wow, Y/n-ya? You two must be close!" Yoongi tried to tease.

I glared at him and shook my head in response.

"Yes, Haerin-ssi?" I turned my attention back to Haerin.

Haerin nuzzled her face on my chest and grabbed a hold of my shirt. "I'm tired," she mumbled.

"Aww, Frog's as cute as always," Yoongi suddenly cooed.

"Frog? Where have I heard that before?" I thought to myself a bit confused.

I ignored my thoughts and instead smiled at the tiny little response Haerin gave me.

"Okay," I softly responded.

I then carried Haerin over to her bed and gently laid her on her bed. It only took two seconds for Haerin to completely pass out.

"I guess she really doesn't lack anything here. I can see you treat her like a princess," Yoongi suddenly spoke up.

"Shut up," I huffed out in annoyance.

I quickly made an excuse to get Yoongi out of my house and pushed him out the front door. "Well, let me know if either of you need anything!" He yelled from outside the house.

I took a hot shower to relax all the mixed emotions as I was feeling and soon went to bed.

- Haerin POV -

I woke up in the middle of the night a bit startled. It was raining really hard and thunder was rippling through the sky.

I had no idea when I had even gone to bed, but I was wearing Y/n's jersey.


I saw a really loud thunder flash through my bedroom window.

Out of pure fear, I jumped out of my bed and ran out the room.

Thunderstorms terrified me.

I hated the sound, I hated the lighting, I hated the rain, I hated everything that had to do with thunderstorms.








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