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The thunderstorm didn't let up throughout the night. It actually just ended up getting worse by the hour. Eventually, the thunder was so loud that it wouldn't let Y/n sleep.

So, Y/n got up to get something to help them sleep.

- Y/N POV -

I was walking over to the kitchen in the middle of the night when I was suddenly startled by something.

Someone was sitting on the living room sofa, just staring at the wall.

"Haerin?" I lowly asked.

I got no response.

I slowly walked over to the figure, hoping it wasn't an intruder, and sighed of relief when I finally got confirmation that it was Haerin.

"Y/n-ssi, what are you doing up?" Haerin asked.

"Umm, the thunder woke me up. What about you?" I asked a concerned.

Haerin looked tensed. Her eyes were wide and her hands were clenched tightly.

"Same," Y/n whispered.

"Are you alright?" I started to get really worried when I saw how tired she looked.

"Mhm," she lowly hummed.

"Are you sure? Do you need something to help you go back to sleep?" I furrowed my brows.

Haerin just shook her head in response.


Haerin suddenly jumped off the sofa and straight into my arms.

"Why does she always do this?" I asked myself a bit confused.

"Is the thunderstorm really scaring you?" I decided to wrap my arms around her.

I remember how scared I used to be of thunderstorms just a few years back. I used to bug my brother until the storm died down, but once he left....

I had to learn to be brave.

"Yes, it scares me," Haerin whispered against my chest.

I sighed and started to feel really bad.

"Umm, I know this sounds weird, but do you want to sleep with me tonight? Maybe you'll feel safer that way?" I stumbled on my words a bit.

All of a sudden I felt shy and embarrassed.

I didn't know what else to do to help Haerin out.

"Okay," Haerin surprisingly answered.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n made me change out of their jersey before going back to bed. I was a bit sad about it, but I understood.

Karina unnie had only allowed me Y/n's jersey for the game.

"I'll be right here, okay?" Y/n suddenly started to lay down on the sofa in their bedroom.

"You're not sleeping on the bed?" I started to feel really sad.

"No, the bed is all yours but I'm right here. Don't worry," Y/n gave me a smile.

I pouted, suddenly feeling the need to cry, but there was nothing I could do about it. If Y/n didn't want to sleep next to me... then it was okay...

The thunderstorm kept rippling through the sky and I was forced to just endure it. I just wanted to cry from how much it hurt my ears and how scared it made me.

It didn't take long before I found tears rolling down my chests.

"Are you alright?" Y/n suddenly whispered.

"Mhm," I sniffled out.

I tried to hold my tears in so Y/n wouldn't hear me, but it didn't work. Y/n walked over to the bed and looked at me. "Don't lie to me. What's wrong?" Y/n lowly asked.

I sniffled and watched as Y/n lowered down to my level a bit.

"Does the noise bother you? Does it scare you a lot?" Y/n reached over to wipe away my tears.

I nodded in response and grabbed Y/n's hand to tug on it a bit.

"I'm scared. Please hold me?" I sniffled out.

I had no idea why I had just said that.

It just felt like that's what was supposed to happen.

Y/n didn't give me a response, but slowly got in the bed. Y/n then opened up their arms for me and I quickly snuggled in.

Y/n held me close and covered my ears for a little bit.

It felt like as soon as Y/n did that, the storm started to ease up.

"Oh, it's starting to stop!" Y/n cutely exclaimed.

I pulled away from Y/n's embrace to thank them for their kind gesture.... but the second my eyes locked with Y/n's... all I could think was....

"I want to kiss you again."

- Karina POV -

There was a crazy storm outside the hospital. We were all flooded in with nowhere to go.

Haerin was sleeping and Yoongi had fallen asleep as well. I was only awake because I wanted to make sure nothing happened throughout the night.

Haerin started to shuffle a bit in her sleep, like usual.

I was waiting for her to say her usual phrase, "I wish we never happened", but this time it didn't come around.


Just a few minutes later...

Haerin mumbled out,

"I want to kiss you again."







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