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They immediately began preparing for the next night and sketched out a plan, well more like Lizzie did all the planning because the other two looked like they wanted to rip each other's heads off so Lizzie stuck to it. After they fully finished, they split ways for some rest in which Josie wasn't entirely tired so she decided to head to Jade's room which was a ways away.

'Maybe I should surprise her,' Josie thought and did an invisible spell while making her way to her girlfriend's room.

She ran her fingers along the wall as she count down the dorm numbers, each number at a time until she reached her destination. There was no noise, so she assumed, assumed yes that her girlfriend is sleep. Of course she should be asleep because it's late right? Well it is late, where no one would hear or see, see what Josie saw. Her girlfriend's head between someone else's legs. Someone new, her name is Maya she thought. This wasn't anything new to her, her ex and now this one. She stood for a while that she didn't even notice that her spell wore off, Jade jumped off the girl under her and stared in disbelief, so did the Maya girl.

"Jade who's this?" She spoke, definitely new.

"Don't worry about it, sorry wrong room." Josie dismissed, quickly scurrying away back to her room, not really caring if she gets caught.

'HA! Caught,' she thought and started laughing at that mere thought to the point she was crying, curled up next to someone's door.

She didn't know who, but it was the last person she wanted to ever see.

Hope Mikaelson.

Of course, just her luck.

"Jo-" Hope tilts her head, unsure who is was since she was just waking up and the sound of stumbling outside her door woken her.

"Don't start, go back to sleep Hope." Josie looked away and Hope just stands while rubbing her eye with a yawn.

"Why are you outside my door crying?" Hope asked sincerely and that angered Josie even more.

She's not mad at Hope but she also is. She won't get it, she doesn't. Twice her heart has been broken, envious that Hope was smart enough to never seek out a relationship no matter the loneliness that could swallows one's heart. How does one not want the most priceless thing in the world? It doesn't make sense, it didn't make sense. Would she even know what it feels like to even get your heart broken or to even know the feeling of loving someone?

"Just leave me alone!" Josie snap, shooting up and leaving the school, she needed air.

She felt like she couldn't breathe, all she wanted was some air so she went to the garden. Filled with scent of freshly grown flowers that she grew, filled with the scent of the fresh and clean pond that she cleaned, a sense of relief washes over her. She isn't crying because she's heartbroken, she's crying because she's lonely. No one gets her, no one loves her enough to stay, why is the universe against her? Or is it against her? She woke up to the sun beating on her face, to the sound of Lizzie's alarm softly playing which she usually turns off because Lizzie is a heavy sleeper, wait...

"Morning sunshine." Lizzie and Hope stood at the side of her bed as Josie shoots up from her slumber.

"How-" Her voice is hoarse, she coughs to try and clear the dryness, it didn't work.

"I was wolfing out and found you asleep, you are quite lucky I didn't kill you." Hope explained and Josie avoided speaking as well as eye contact.

"Aww, have a soft spot for your wife?" Lizzie teases and Hope growls.

"Lizzie I'm going to kill you." She mutters lowly causing Lizzie to run away.

"Nuh uhn, you love me too much." Lizzie giggles seeing that Hope is chasing after her.

Josie look around the empty room and lays back down, the universe is definitely against her. When nightfall comes, they are trailing the forest and Hope and Lizzie are engaged in a mild conversation while Josie stays quiet. Although, she wants to stay quiet, she swears she keeps seeing something. Hearing something. But what?

"I think it is just another wolf or something." Lizzie shrugs and Hope roll her eyes.

"Those wounds aren't wolves made, this beast's teeth are much larger and sharper. They tried to bite the wolf boy arm off, almost as if hunting for them so technically I'm the bait for this miss-" Hope was explaining when she felt someone push her, landing on top of Lizzie then screaming is heard immediately.

The screams of death, of pure terror and horror. The two best friends look up at the scene that is unfolding in their eyes for mere seconds with the same horror and terror as the screams. Hope immediately transform into a wolf and charged the beast that is currently attacking Josie. Biting through her arms, to the bone, then began gnawing at her face, the screams becoming worse. Hope finally tackles the beast off of Josie and tussles with the much larger animal before getting the advantage to eventually snapping the beasts neck, having wounds of her own but Josie's was much worse, much much worse. Lizzie stared at her sister who was still screaming in horror and fear, her sister whom was barely recognizable. Hope bumps Lizzie, still in her wolf form, signaling for Lizzie to put Josie onto her back which Lizzie immediately gets to. Once successful in the task, Hope takes off and Josie screams and cries only get louder making Hope whimper while Lizzie cries. Making it to the school swiftly, Hope rush into the building, still in her wolf form and scaring everyone who didn't notice the screaming girl on the wolf's back, and towards Alaric office. Alaric and Caroline shoots up out of their spots to the sound of their daughter screaming for her life. Hope burst through the door, setting both sisters down and immediately changed back which Alaric immediately covers her up while rushing to his daughter's side.

"Josie, Josie. We are here." Caroline tried to calm the smaller girl down but Josie only hid behind torn up arms still sobbing, shaking and screaming.

"Dad what do we do?" Lizzie sobs and Hope reaches for her phone immediately.

The phone rings for a few long aching seconds, until the line on the other end picks up.

"Hope? It's a bit late." Freya voice rang and Hope just watch as the family in front of her is crumbling, not knowing if Josie is going to succumb to her pain at any minute, whether or not she'll survive this horrific attack.

Freya or Hope doesn't say anything, she is immediately in front of her niece and turns around to see the screaming girl with horror in her eyes. Thankfully, her astro projection allowed her to interact with her surroundings, perks of being a very old witch. Alaric and Caroline separate from Josie to allow Freya to examine and find what she needed while Lizzie still held her arms tightly around Josie's waist.

"Aunt Freya." Hope spoke, her voice small and Freya nods quickly, summoning a healing potion in which she pours on Josie since the girl was refusing to intake vampire blood.

More so her was body was refusing to intake the blood, anytime she tried to drink, she spat it out and only screamed more as it felt like drinking fire. The instant splash of liquid caused her screaming to halt, she could barely open her eyes but she could feel her body go numb. So numb to the point where she falls asleep making her family even more concerned.

"It's fine, she's still alive. Here. Wrap this around her, they are magic bandages. They'll keep the wounds  numbs. As well as keep her, her wounds and the bandages itself clean so you won't need to change them, clean her or the wounds. The potion should have clear any infections from her wounds and the bandages should began to heal her body once applied. The potion will only numb her wounds for a few minutes so you should start applying the bandages now." Freya explained handing Caroline the bandages in which she immediately got to work, a permanent frown on her face as she covers her daughter's face and arms.

"Thank you Freya." Alaric wiped his tears.

"Of course, I shall be in Virginia by the end of the week to monitor her. Good thing you called me when you did." Freya hugs her niece who rest her head on top of Freya's chest.

She was trembling, unsure of what to do and how to resolve this situation. It wasn't meant to be Josie but it was and she felt guilty. Josie moved them out the way because they were distracted, Josie took the hit to save them and the guilt of it all is slowly eating her up. Freya soon disappears with a farewell and the three teenage girls were now asleep from exhaustion.

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