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"Have you been timing her contractions?" Freya asked her wife as she set up the area for when Josie gives birth.

"They are fast, it went from an 1 hour to now 15 minutes." Keelin wipes the sweat off her forehead from the excess fire Josie has been spewing.

"Has Hope calmed her down?" Freya then wondered and Keelin shakes her head.

"She is quite fiesty and angry or something." Keelin then place a hand on her hip. "My love please cool me down." She nearly begs, it's already bad enough her wolf keeps her warm basically 24/7.

Freya giggles and pulls Keelin into a kiss then cools her down making Keelin sigh in relief.

"Mom, mommy! Can help?" Little Nik runs into the deliver room, they decided to put Josie in another to set up for whatever is to come.

Freya and Keelin shares a look, they both began to communicate with their eyes and Freya nods while Keelin sighs.

"Go and grab Josie some water." Freya instructs and Nik smiles brightly.

"Okay!" He runs off to the kitchen. Climbing onto the counters, he grabs the glass and rinses it before filling it with the tap water. He then climbs down carefully and he slips but was caught by Josiah. "Thank you!" Nik smiles up at the taller man then walks over to the freezer. "Sir can you put ice in cup please?" Nik gestured and Josiah does as told.

They both make their way to Josie's room and Nik opens the door to see Hope putting out another fire Josie had made.

"Hey Nik." Hope greeted as soon as her eyes landed on the young boy.

"Brought Josie water." Nik held up the cold glass and Josie looks at him with a soft smile.

"Thank you Nikky, you're the best." Josie tells him as Hope hands her the glass.

"No problem!" He beams then runs out the room.

"Ugh, I hope our son is also that adorable." Hope rest her head on Josie's forehead as Josie sips at the water with a content smile.

There were no more fires after that. After 4-5 hours of contractions, Freya moves Josie to the deliver room and turns to Hope.

"How do you want to do this? Traditionally or original style?" Freya fixed her gloves.

"Original style?" Hope questions.

"Basically you squat down and there will be a bucket of water, it was usually a lake but anyways, then you just give birth in that position. It's much easier and better." Keelin rubbed Josie's back.

"Josie?" Hope turned to the girl who was clearly in much pain.

"Let's just do the original way." Josie groans and Freya snaps her fingers making a tub with water appear on the floor.

They set a towel down and Hope places the tub onto the towel while Keelin slowly moves Josie to the tub.

"Alright Hope, keep a strong hold and find the most comfortable position for you both." Freya instructed and Hope nods.

She squats them down and keeps a hold Josie's back as Josie lays her head on Hope's shoulder.

"Is she ready?" Keelin sucks in a breath and Freya peaks to see a head ready to be pushed out.

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