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"Hope." Josie calls, she receives no response. "Hope." Josie began raking her hands through the auburn's hair but still received no response. "Hopey." She tested and this time she received a hum from the smaller girl. "Today's my birthday." She informs.

"I know." Hope mutters, her eyes still close.

"My family is going to be in here any minute, I need to get up and get dressed." Josie pokes Hope and Hope eyes finally open.

All Josie heard was a bunch of grumbles that she couldn't make out since Hope's morning voice is extremely raspy, hot and raspy, and hot. A blush creeps over her face when she realized she said that out loud seeing how Hope had an eyebrow raised from what was said. Instead, Josie ignored the gaze and climbed out of the bed with a magic technique, rolling out and hopefully landing on her feet. She would use magic to prevent herself from hitting the floor incase she did not land on her feet. Once off the bed, she waddled to the bathroom and began her daily routine. When she exits the bathroom, Hope is still lying in bed and Lizzie had entered the room, sitting on the bed.

"I wish I was a genius, who in their right mind would think to use a spell to enlarge a tiny teddy bear that cost like $5 with magic instead of just buying a $50 large teddy." Lizzie rambled to Hope who was not listening at all.

"Happy birthday, Lizzie." Josie spoke, catching her sister's attention which Lizzie shoots up happily.

"Happy birthday Josie!" She hugs her sister excitedly then greets her future nieces or nephews, or both. "Also I was telling Hope that she is meant to be the "father" and not the "husband"." Lizzie air quoted the two words and Josie giggles.

"Happy mom happy babies." Josie shrugs, collapsing onto the giant teddy bear.

"I'm surprised you two haven't jumped each other bones." Lizzie shook her head, but before Josie could respond, Caroline barges into their room making everyone jump.

"Sorry, superspeed. Hope get up and get dressed." Caroline instructs.

"Why?" Hope says, eyes still close.

"Damn, I forget how hot your morning voice is." Lizzie whispers to Josie, but the room was silent so everyone heard her. "She's my best friend, I'm allowed to say that." Lizzie tries to defend herself, blushing a bit from the confession.

"Anyways, you are coming with us." Caroline explains herself.

"Why?" Hope asks again and Caroline grows frustrated.

"Just get the hell up." She crossed her arms and all they hear are grumbles before the auburn gets up.

"She's a bit cranky." Lizzie noticed.

"I kept her up all night." Josie admits.

"Oh?" Lizzie smirks and Caroline eyebrow rose from the tone.

"Not like that and you know it." Josie huffed.

"But it's just so fun teasing you two." Lizzie giggles.

"And if I find out you two are doing something like that, I will be separating you two." Caroline declares.

"Why? She's already pregnant." Lizzie mutters.

"Elizabeth!" Caroline scolds.

"I'm just saying, it won't change anything. Plus weren't you horny when you were pregnant? A woman has needs." Lizzie explains.

"Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman!" Caroline scolded even more.

"Okay okay, that's my queue." Lizzie was about to leave but Josie stops her.

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