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A/N: Changing up the plot because I can't think of any girl names 😍 ANYWAYS, how y'all doing??? :))

"Do you sense any Poti what not?" Hayley asked since does remember seeing a distress Hope in the afterlife when the news were dropped.

"Luckily for your sake and my sanity, no. The child is spared." Josiah put his hands together as a prayer.

"And you were going to terminate my grand niece or nephew for no reason." Keelin crossed her arms.

"I do apologize, I am just precautious. I shall leave you all to be now, congratulations." Josiah tells them and Hope lets out a small sigh of relief before giving him a nod in return for his congratulations.

"Okay, bye Josiah." Freya lets out an exhausted sigh and he nods before vanishing in a flash.

"Hope, what are you going to name them?" Freya wondered.

"I'll wait until Josie wakes, for now. Thing one and thing two." Hope washed her hands then went to hold them both.

"You're such..." Hayley trails off then shook her head.

Freya instructs Hope to take off her shirt so the babies can build their immune systems which Hope read up on so she complies.

"Are you sure that this one is a girl?" Klaus asked after Hope had picked up again and he admired them without touching, since he had not washed or sanitized his hands.

"What do you mean am I sure? I looked at the ultrasound and saw no signs of her being a boy." Keelin crossed her arms with an eyebrow risen.

"Well when Hope was born we thought she was a boy then she turned into a little girl and we had to change her name." Hayley revealed.

"Wait what? I didn't know this!" Hope furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yeah your name was Hayes before we found out you are intersexual." Klaus chuckles at the memory.

"You think my baby girl might be an intersexual boy?" Hope furrowed her eyebrows.

"Seems like we are going to have to wait and see." Hayley shrugs.

"Or I can do a DNA scan." Freya stood up then cracked her back and Hayley and Klaus looked at each other.

"Also did they have our birthmark?" Hayley shakes her head and returned her gaze back onto the blonde.

"Yes they do." Keelin answered for her wife.

"Thank goodness." Klaus let out a sigh of relief.

"You questioned that they were mine even still?" Hope frowned.

"Sebastian cracked jokes." He put his hands in defense and the adults laughed.

After 6 hours, Josie was still not awake but Alaric and Caroline had arrived and were catering to their grandchildren. They nearly went pale when Klaus and Hayley entered the deliver room that had been cleaned and Josie is now cleaned as well.

"Are you seeing them too?" Caroline whispered to Alaric who nods.

"Uh huh." He says, unsure himself.

"Surprise?" Klaus says breaking the minute long silence and Caroline shakes out of her trance.

"How are you two alive?" She asked and Hayley smiled softly.

"Our grandchildren, one possess or maybe both possesses necromancy powers. Well that's the theory at least." Hayley reveals

"Oh wow." Alaric turned to his two grand babies and in walked Hope and Freya.

"Scan is complete, the girl is actually a boy." Freya reveals and the grandparents stare in shock except for Klaus, Freya then leaves to go get some rest.

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