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It is almost Thanksgiving for the Salvatore school and students are getting ready to leave for the holidays.

"What's the plan aunt Freya?" Hope sat next to her upon arriving in the library where she was studying the monster that attacked Josie.

"Mikaelson's are going to have Thanksgiving here, at the manor of course." Freya noted.

"Sounds good, no jet lag for me." Hope jokes and Freya only nods in agreement.

"Hopefully Nik will handle a flight well." She sighed, setting the pen down.

"You never took him on a flight yet?" Rebekah questions upon also arriving to the library.

"No, I suggested to Keelin to drive here and she nearly cursed me out." Freya shakes her head at the memory while the other two laughs.

"Are they going to take Dad's PJ?" Hope wondered.

"Most likely." Freya responded.

"Does that thing still work?" Rebekah follows up.

"Kol kept up with it and uses it the most so yes." Freya informed.

"We trust uncle Kol?" Hope questions and it went silent for a good while.

"I'll have Vincent put a safety spell on it." Freya immediately called the man making the other two laugh again.

After a while longer of studying and researching, Hope stood up and left the library leaving Rebekah to zoom around to look for more information while Freya continued her research. When Hope arrived to her destination, she sees Josie engaged into her reading of a book. She was so focused and almost content.

"You cut your hair?!?" Hope gasped in shock by the new change while Josie screamed which yet again turns into a mild squeak.

"You can't do that!" Josie signed angrily.

"Sorry sorry! It's just...your hair is so short now..." Hope trailed off, Josie doesn't respond so she continues. "I don't hate it, just new." Hope sat down next to her and observed the style closer. "Please say something, I mean sign." Hope tried to capture Josie's eyes to see that some of the bandages has started to reveal more of her face.

"Do you need something?" Josie signed and Hope immediately got flashbacks but ignored Josie's coldness to see the small pout on her exposed lips.

"Hm..." Hope stood up and Josie watched as she entered the bathroom. It was a little while before Hope reemerged but that little while caused Josie to sigh heavily and put the hood of her head. Tucking her legs to her chest and resting her head on her knees, she felt a dip next to her and looked to see Hope holding out a pair of scissors. Josie didn't get the hint though, her mind actually went somewhere else because she was ovulating so a deep blush covers her face instead. "I want you to cut my hair." Hope reveals causing Josie to sit up and her blush subsiding slightly.

Thank goodness she has layers of bandages covering her face or her blush would be obvious. Josie took the scissors and watched as Hope slide off the bed then on to the floor. Positioning her self, she thought about cutting all of Hope's hair off but then decided against it. Instead she gave Hope the best wolf cut she could muster. After cutting to just above Hope's shoulders, she rustled Hope's hair shocking her and touched it up a bit to achieve the look she was aiming for. Once satisfied with her work, she gets off the bed and observes Hope's new look then smiles in content.

"Hot." Josie signs and they turn their attention to someone squealing.

"YOUR HAIR!!! OH EM GEE!!!" Lizzie ran to the two and observed their new style.

"Got a new do." Hope mimicked the twins aunt causing them to start laughing.

"You look hot with this cut." Lizzie snapped her fingers causing Hope to laugh as she gets up while Josie crossed her arms. She held up her chopped off hair and Lizzie snapped a picture. "Your aunts are going to kill you." Lizzie continues to laugh as Hope roll her eyes playfully.

"Why did you actually want me to cut your hair?" Josie signs and Hope shrugs.

"Because you did, simple." She reveals while chanting a cleaning spell.

"No that's not simple, you don't cut your hair because someone else does."  Josie pouts.

"Well I did because you did, now stop complaining." Hope huffs at the girl's persistence, 'Why can't she just be grateful for once,' she thought.

"Yeah stop complaining Josie, you really helped Hope get even more girls to line up to date her." Lizzie held up her hand for a high five but Josie only held a scolding look.

"Oh I know, you're hungry aren't you. You get real cranky when you're hungry." Hope mentions.

"Or when she's on her period, but she'll be doubling over in pain if it was that. Plus she got off 2 weeks ago so it must be hungry." Lizzie also notes making Josie scowl even more.

"We'll be back with some food." Hope waved to Josie as Lizzie followed behind.

Josie sighs and plop onto the bed then pulled the covers over her face. She ended up succumbing to her tiredness yet again. She doesn't know how long it had been when she woke up by her sister and her sister's best friend. She hates this. Them doing things for her. Why are they doing things for her if she can do them herself. If all she has to do is suck it up and swallow her insecurities. All she can picture is how horrified everyone was as they say her face after the attack. How ugly the aftermath of it all was. She was a monster, like a troll who resided under a bridge. But Josie is never to be labeled as stupid, she knew that she needed medical help but not any other type of help. She was always so independent on doing things on her own, only dependent on Lizzie to express their ideas to the public eye and to take their constructive criticism. But the public eye saw her, all of those eyes on her? How would they react?

"Josie!" Lizzie shook her sister out her thoughts catching her full attention. "You okay? You kinda spaced out for a bit." A wave of worrisome takes over Lizzie's face and Josie only nods before sitting up to see what they gotten her.

"Pancakes?" Josie signed and the bestfriends look at each other before turning back to Josie with a bright smile.

"Freya said you can eat solid food so we thought pancakes that are cut in very small pieces." Lizzie exclaimed and handed Josie the tub, they were warm but more on the cold side.

"Thank you." Josie signed which Lizzie actually understood.

"You're welcome!" She pulled such a happy face, it scared Hope and Josie.

"Are you on drugs?" Hope asked causing the twins to start laughing.

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