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"Oh my goodness." Davina muttered as she helped the fallen off of Kol, he had become victim of their random appearance.

"Klaus...Hayley?" Freya stared in shock.

"Maybe it's an illusion." Rebekah mutters.

"As much as I want to believe that, this is very much real." Hayley bared her vamp teeth and flashed her wolf eyes in the mirror of their home.

"Ow!" Klaus groans as all of his siblings are now on top of him in a bone crushing hug.

"We missed you so much big brother." Kol exaggerated cried.

"Don't ever die on us again!" Rebekah hits him repeatedly and Klaus just sighs.

"I didn't even get this treatment from my own daughter." He mentions and Hayley giggles.

"Yeah she was more happy to see Josie than you." She points to their daughter kneeling in front of Josie, one hand on Josie's stomach, the other holding her lover's hand.

"I'm okay." Josie reassured Hope and Hope is very unconvinced because Josie looked tired.

"How are you two alive?" Davina wondered.

"My guess, our grandbabies." Klaus smiled and greeted Keelin and Marcel.

"We still don't have confirmation if they are Hope's but I have full faith that they are." Hayley mentions and Hope looks up at her parents, aunts and uncles.

"Is that Josiah guy still here?" She questioned.

"No but he will be back when Josie gives birth." Freya sighs and Hope
frowns then flashes her eyes.

"Ow mom my bones!" Sebastian squeals.

"Don't disappear like that again, you had me so worried." Rebekah huffed setting her son down and Sebastian lets out a breath of relief.

"So Rebekah, are you still seeking the serum or since now that you have your own child you won't need to?" Klaus sat down after his child and the mother of his child had been walking for an eternity in pure darkness.

"That's a good question, I never thought about it." Rebekah shrugs and Hayley looked around then had a face of realization.

"Where's your son?" She asks Freya and Keelin.

"Oh he's upstairs." Keelin ushered and Hayley vamps away.

"He must've gotten so big." Klaus chuckles then in the next second Hayley reappears with Nik in her arms.

"Woah! Do it again, do it again!" He cheered happily and Hayley complies.

"He's gonna get sick." Keelin frowns.

"He's a Mikaelson, a wolf at that, he won't get sick." Kol says proudly and Freya shakes her head.

Hayley sets Nik down and he goes running to Hope and Josie.

"Hello babies." He laid his head on Josie's belly.

"Hey cousin Nik." Josie put on a voice and Hope covered her laugh.

"Woah, they spoke." He held a shocked face while Josie giggles. "Mommy I'm hungry." Nik turns to his parents with a frown.

"I second this." Josie rubbed her belly and Hope stood up ready to go into the kitchen.

"I'll handle brunch, it's been a while since I had cooked." Hayley spoke and Hope sat back down.

"No meat—actually whom am I kidding, extra bacon for me." Josie requests and Hope chuckles.

"Can you make it up the stairs? I want to speak to you." Hope mutters to Josie and Josie shifts a little which Hope picked up on. "Don't stress it's not anything bad or anything." She pecked Josie's hands.

"Oh okay, I can try, if not I'll have Sebastian vamp me up." Josie sighs in relief.

"Right, I'll be up in a minute, just need to chat with my family for a second." Hope reassured, rubbing her thumbs over the brunette's knuckles.

"I understand, your parents were just resurrected by our unborn babies." Josie reminisced and Hope shakes her head then pecked Josie's belly.

They watched as Josie waddles away making Hope smile brightly.

"Cute." Hayley whispers in Hope's ear snapping her from her daze.

"I know." Hope lets out a breath.

"Sebastiannn." Josie whined, their eyes darting to the girl struggling to make it up the flight of stairs.

"I got you, I got you." Sebastian vamped to the girl's side helped her up.

"Why didn't you go and help her, you two aren't fighting are you?" Klaus rose from his spot.

"No no, I just...wanted to speak to you all about something first." Hope reveals.

"Oh? Is it to marry her? I say you have my blessings." Freya teased.

"Freya." Klaus shakes his head.

"I agree." Kol chimes in.

"No! It's not that, can we just go into the kitchen." Hope puts her flushed face in her hands as she rushes into the kitchen with her mother following behind, then everyone else.

"So what do you want to discuss?" Hayley asks once everyone settles down.

"I wanted your opinion on giving Josie this." Hope showed her family.

"Are you sure?" Klaus placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

"Certain." Hope placed a hand on her heart to feel its rapid beating.

"You two have been going out for 6 months correct?" Rebekah rose an eyebrow.

"That's not why I'm giving her this, she is going to be the mother of my kids and that makes her forever to me." Hope explains.

"Always and forever right?" Klaus mutters.

"Always and forever." The family repeats.

"Right right, I think it's cute and she'll for sure love it." Hayley pecks Hope's temple.

They watched as tears streamed from her eyes freely, Freya mainly noticed that Hope didn't seemed to notice the action occurring.

"Are you alright littlest wolf?" Klaus furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"Huh?" She snapped back into reality.

"You're crying." Hayley wiped her daughter's tears.

"I am? Oh, sorry. None of this just doesn't feel real is all." Hope lets out a shaky breath.

"I feel you on that but this isn't a nightmare I promise, this is reality." Klaus chuckles then takes a seat.

"You should give it to Josie, you won't be the only one crying." Hayley ushered.

"Okay, thanks mom..." Hope trailed off, looking at the item with a little bit of guilt.

"No no, we aren't doing this again. It was four years ago, you need to focus on my grandbabies and future daughter-in-law." Hayley lifted Hope's head while Hope blushes deeply.

"Okay bye." Hope walks away speedily.

"Mhm, you two better not do anything under this roof!" Hayley calls after.

"Mom!" Hope held an expression of terror on her face while Sebastian enters dying laughing.

"Haha! I love your mom, she's hilarious." He remarked.

"Shut up." Hope kicks him.

"Ah!" He squeals as he goes flying onto the floor

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