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A/N: Last filler chapter before the big bang! 💜

"Baby I'm nervous." Josie lets out a weary sigh.

"Why's that?" Hope muttered with her eyes closed, so close to sleeping.

"What if they hate me?" Josie sits up and Hope sighs this time.

"I think they already do because they have been relentless." She teases and Josie jaw drops as she playfully hits Hope.

"Hope!" The brunette whines and Hope lets out a small chuckle before pulling Josie on top of her.

"I'm kidding, babe they have to love you to hate you. That's life, we get mad at our parents and now we will understand what's it's like for our babies to be a little upset at us. That's called growing up." Hope pecks Josie's knuckles and Josie smiles.

"You always know what to say." Josie grinds her hips and Hope fights back her smile.

"Of course I do love, I'm just so intelligent." She let her hands trail up towards Josie's waist.

"Oh shut up." Josie rolled her eyes playfully.

"Make me." Hope practically growled, sitting up and Josie bites her lip again.

She leans in and connect their lips into a slow but deep kiss, a moan falling from the brunette's lips as Hope's tongue dives into Josie's mouth. Josie decided to battle Hope for dominance so she darts her tongue against Hope's pushing and attempting to explore Hope's mouth but failed as Hope bits down on her bottom lip then tugged it. Josie reconnect their lips while picking up the grinding pace.

"Hmm....ow." Josie pulls away, resting her forehead on Hope's shoulder when she felt a sharp kick to her ribs.

"See relentlessly." Hope shook her head and Josie lets out a soft giggle.

"I think it's time for us to sleep now anyways." She carefully climbs off of Hope and lays down.

Hope gestured for Josie to turn around which the brunette does she then pulls Josie onto her front, resting her head on her girlfriend's shoulder. Josie fidgeted with Hope's fingers then realized she had a ring on her finger.

"What's this?" The brunette admired and Hope felt her girlfriend twist the piece of jewelry.

"Mom's alpha ring." Hope muttered, and Josie couldn't help but to smile.
(Hayley didn't have one but I thought it would be cute for the plot.)

"My alpha." Josie muttered and Hope was the one biting back her smile. She pretended like she was asleep and didn't hear her girlfriend. Soon enough they both fall asleep and were awoken by the smell of food. "I love your mom." Josie says with a stretch so she sighs after.

"I don't get an I love you in the morning but my mom does?" Hope groaned, lying on her stomach once Josie sits up.

"She is my future mother-in-law, I need to get on her good side." Josie pecked Hope's temple then gotten up..."Oh and good morning, I love you." Josie voice vanishes behind the bathrooms walls and Hope just smiles.

After doing their morning routine, the auburn had gotten up after Josie had used the bathroom, they made their way downstairs and to the dinning room to see the whole family sitting and chatting. Hope interlocks her hands with Josie and sat them down between her mother and Lizzie.

"How was your night?" Hayley asks her daughter and Hope smiles.

"It was good, I really wanna marry Josie someday." Hope whispered to her mom and Hayley smiles brightly.

She looks up at Josie to see Josie in deep conversation with her sister so she slips off her wedding ring and hands it to Hope.

"Whenever you're ready, you have my full support." Hayley pecks Hope's cheek.

Hope looks down at the ring with tears in her eyes and she hid the ring before Josie could see. Hope hugs her mom and people couldn't help but the awe or coo at the interaction. Freya snaps her fingers making all the food appear.

"So are you two adjusting nicely to life again?" Freya sipped her tea.

"I mean, it's like getting your neck snapped and coming back as a new person." Klaus did his signature Mikaelson smirk while Kol choked on his drink.

"He's sorta right though, except we are just appearing at random places so suddenly. After I died I was with Jackson and then I was in a dark void and now I'm here. Just very sudden and without warning." Hayley further explains and everyone nods or said 'wow'.

"Where was uncle Elijah?" Hope leans forward to capturing her father's attention.

"He had moved on to find peace, I used the excuse that I wanted to help others find peace first which, I did don't get me wrong but I also stayed behind to watch over you." Klaus shrugs and Hope smiles weakly.

"It still doesn't feel real that you two are here, like you will just be ripped away from me again suddenly." Hope lets out a deep sigh to control her emotions and she receives a peck on her temple from her girlfriend, Hope gave her a thankful smile before interlocking their hands together.

"Maybe one of the babies have necromancy powers, so they revived Klaus and Hayley but their lives are tethered to one of them. But since your babies are immortal, Klaus and Hayley will not be going anywhere anytime soon." Freya mentions.

"Adding necromancy to the roster of their unborns' abilities, parenting sounds like it's going to be hell." Davina stood to grab herself some more orange juice.

As she was about to enter the kitchen, Josiah walks out scaring her so bad, she screams as he goes flying across the room.

"Ow." He groans then stood up, dusting himself off and Davina looked around panicky.

"I'm so sorry, you scared the hell out of me." She placed her hand on her fast beating heart as the Mikaelson eyes locked onto Josiah.

"It's fine." He mutters then turned to Josie to see her looking at him wearily about his presence.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Rebekah crosses her arms and Lizzie turns to her best friend and sister.

"Well I came for the birth of the twins." He ushered and Josie rose an eyebrow then stood up.

"What? It's the first of August and I'm due for another—" She was immediately cut off by her water breaking.

"Oh bloody hell." Kol and Rebekah say as everyone shoots up this time.

"Sorry for the spoilers." Josiah put up his hands and Freya rolled her eyes.

"Haha you have jokes, if you knew that Josie was about to go in labor then why didn't you go to the hospital?!?" She pulls out her phone angrily.

"It's best if you all do the operation here, these babies could blow up the building or something." Josiah shrugs and everyone goes silent while Hope and Lizzie helped Josie control her breathing.

"We do have two doctors here as well..." Hayley trails off as the impending silence grows.

"Just get me somewhere!" Josie snaps and everyone jumps because fire is show out from her as soon as she spoke.

"Ye-yes ma'am, to the medical room." Freya ushered looking at her family with a shocked expression and they shrugs.

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