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A/N: I didnt know it has been 5 days 😃 I'm so sorry omg

It was the twins birthday and each parent's families are settling in New Orleans, especially since Josie's family needed to catch the flights to the Mikaelson's manor. But Hope and Josie had decorated with the nagging of Hayes who developed the ability to walk and speak more coherently. The Mikaelsons were horrified until Josie explained that Hayes had a fully developed conscious, awareness and memory, this information made them even more horrified.

"How are my grandchildren?" Alaric lifted Hayes and Caroline picked up Nikolai.

"Dad how do you expect them—" Lizzie was immediately caught off guard by her nephew speaking.

"I'm kay." Hayes smiles and the whole family goes pale. Each of them thinking that the jet lag had finally hit them making them think they were hearing things. Hayes tilt his head in confusion, expecting a response but no one says a thing. "You?" He decides to say.

"Ahh!" Lizzie screams in horror catching the attention of her sister.

"Oh right, he can understand fluent English." Josie reveals as she walks into the room from the kitchen.

"French too." He added on.

"Right, that's my boy!" Hope praised making the young boy raise his arms happily.

"He is only 1! Happy birthday by the way dear grand-nephew." Bonnie pecks his cheek making his smile beam brighter.

"Tank you!" He did grabby hands for Bonnie and Alaric passed the boy to her with a frown.

"You don't want my love anymore?" Alaric fake weeps.

"No, she pwetty." Hayes laid his head on Bonnie's shoulder while Bonnie jaw slacks in shock.

"Haha! That's my bo—ow!" Hope winces after Josie smacks her on the back of her head.

"What have you been teaching him?" She scolds.

"Nothing of that I swear. He's just a smooth talking from hearing me charm you." Hope bragged with a shrug and a smirk.

"You do no such thing." Josie crossed her arms and looked away with a blush.

"Wha—! Lies, because you are my fiancée so." Hope cockily mentions and Josie shot fire at her making the auburn yelp.

"Josie!" Caroline scolded and Josie shrugs while Nikolai laughs as Hope frantically runs around trying to put out the fire.

Freya enters and puts out the fire with a sigh as Nik also burst into fits of giggles. The whole Mikaelson enters just behind them and the energy of the room sorta shifts.

"Hello Josie's family." Hayley greeted making everyone but the Salvatores and Mikaelsons eyes widen when their eyes landed on Hayley and Klaus.

"Woah! Seriously?" Damon eyebrow furrowed and twitched.

"Oh right, yes I'm alive." Klaus chuckles.

"Klaus." Elena furrowed her eyebrows as well.

A deadly silence overtook the room making Josie slightly nervous until a voice booms throughout the area.

"Poo Poo." Nikolai crawled to Klaus while Klaus blushed, everyone else bursted into laughter.

"Hey don't call me that, it's Pop Pop, not Poo Poo." Klaus picked up his grandson with a frown and Nikolai just held an innocent smile.

"Hey Josie." Hope vamped behind Josie.

"What is it hun?" Josie turned around and Hope was about to tickle the girl but had an epiphany.

"Hun—you've been hanging with my aunt too much." She frowned and Josie rose an eyebrow.

"Because I'm her favorite." Freya flipped her hair.

"Didn't she knock you unconscious before?" Rebekah mentioned making Josie blush.

"This gathering is meant to be about not focusing on the past and moving onto the future together as a family." Freya huffed.

"Uh huh." Kol snickers and Freya sends him flying making Davina squeak.

"Freya! That took so long to put up." Josie frowned and Hope eyes flash gold.

"Oh sorry." Freya laughed nervously while Kol tried to fix the decoration but failed.

"You Mikaelsons are always so troublesome." Caroline pinches the bridge of her nose.

"I still can't believe you two are engaged. I was in line first." Stefanie huffed.

"Too bad, I'm VIP." Josie flipped her hair, her family's jaws drops.

"Mikaelson what have you done to my sister?" Lizzie pulled Hope's ear making the auburn wince.

"I told her like I'll tell you, she's been hanging out with my aunts too much." She freed herself.

"Oh my goodness, you are making my daughter a Mikaelson." Caroline pulled a face of horror.

"You mean made, she became a Mikaelson the day that ring went on her finger." Rebekah did the famous Mikaelson's smirk.

Alaric goes pale and faints making Josie screech. Lizzie also panics while everyone else watch with no hint of worry.

"Dad!" The twins exclaimed and checked to see if he was still alive, letting out a breath of relief seeing that he indeed was.

"You done killed the man." Matt shakes his head.

"I forgot he was here." Marcel scowls.

"Oh boy." Bonnie sighs and Hayes lifts his head.

"Baby brother." He points to Nikolai and Bonnie sets him down.

Klaus does the same with Nikolai and they watched as Hayes walks to his brother.

"Time to walk." Hayes holds out his hand and Nikolai tilts his head in confusion but took the awaiting hand anyways.

Hayes pulls his brother up and waited until Nikolai stabled himself until he ushered him to their parents. They all watched as Hayes and Nikolai slowly made their way to Josie and Hope whom held shocked faces. Once the twins stood in front of their parents, Josie immediately began crying and scooped them up.

"Oh! Mommy!" Hayes squeaked out for air.

"Josie they can't breathe!" Hope says in panic.

"They are just so cute!" Josie continues to sob while Nikolai held an innocently confused face.

"Hey you know, I think we should start partying." Hope tried to save her sons as she could swear she saw them turning blue.

"Oh right, you twins go have fun while I go make your cake." Josie set her twins down and Hayes gasp for air.

"Tanks mom." Hayes gives Hope a thumbs up and Hope pats his head.

"Mama cry?" Nikolai asked sadly.

"Happily." Josie pecks his forehead.

"Is good?" He smiles.

"Very." Josie nods.

"Okay!" Nikolai giggles then hugs his parents before waddling over to the bouncy house after seeing Enzo and Nik jumping on it.

"God why is he so adorable?" Hope rhetorical asked after Hayes follows his brother.

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