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"Can you feel them?" Josiah asks the twins.

Freya had called the man and he was glad to help, life can be a little lonely for the guardian. Freya had always been a great ally to him so he didn't bat an eye to the request.

"A-a little." Hayes sighed and Josiah eyes trail to Nikolai.

"How about you?" Josiah asked the boy.

"Hm? What do you expect from me? I don't even know my parents." Nikolai shrugs.

"You are still the product of them. You'll always have a connection to your parents, especially seeing how you have activated your wolf side. Naturally your wolf is going to always be connected to Hope's because Hope's wolf is an alpha and you're her pup." Josiah explains.

"That's not going to work." Nikolai furrowed his eyebrows.

"It might..." Hayes thought for a second.

"Don't be stupid." Nikolai gritted his teeth.

"Niko, they were there when you first transitioned. Your wolf will never forget that." Hayes tried to reason.

"Just forget it, I'm not you! I don't remember them nor do I remember any significant memories with them. Don't rely on me." Nikolai flashes his gold eyes before leaving the room in a haste.

"Niko..." Hayes frown while the rest of the family looked amongst each other in worry.

Nikolai lets out a breath of air as he kicks a pebble across the lawn of the Mikaelson's residence. The small rock stumbles into the garden of the yard peaking the boy's interest. He slowly made his way into the flower bed and laid down onto the soft petals, inhaling the sweet scent of the air the flowers formed.

Closing his eyes, letting his body relax and feel lighter. He wishes that his family would stop comparing him to his brother, putting him on the same pedestal. It's not fair, there is no balance in this world and there's only the weakest and the strongest. 'This feels familiar,' he opened his eyes. He's much younger and his body is aching.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" A soft voice asked and he looks at the woman. The youth lets out a cough and her eyes become doe. "Oh no, you must've caught a cold. When you're older you will become more immune to the them." She pecks his forehead and his eyes widen.

'This feeling...Is she?' Hayes thought, feeling himself being lifted and coddled.

His eyes closed again, the warmth fueling his bones until they opened once more. 'Where am I?' He immediately sits up and looked around, seeing that he is not a home but the garden still felt familiar. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees an arrow hurling towards him making his eyes widen momentarily.

"Icaeus." He casted, sending the arrow away making the archer drop their weapon and take off. "Hey wait!" Nikolai ran after the mysterious person.

He almost caught up to the smaller person, that he was able to make out judging by their height difference. As soon as they made it to a clearing in the thick forest, the girl takes in a deep breath.

"Mom!" She screams and in what felt like a flash, a white wolf appears in front of the boy making his eyes widened.

"Crescere arbor." He immediately casted making the wolf jump back.

He finally had the time to register what was happening and the white wolf was only a piece of clothing on the person. Regaining his breath, he looks at the woman with every determination to defend himself. 'That staff...' He gritted his teeth.

"Who are you?" She spoke, locking eyes and Hayes flashed his gold eyes.

'This aura...' He took a step back, another arrow catapulting towards him causing him to quickly dodge the projectile.

"Eileen." She gaze toward her daughter and the youth pointed to another woman with brunette hair. (A/N: eye-lean is how you pronounce it.)

"Don't hurt him." She instructs to the white wolf.

"Fine. Boy, what is your name?" They crossed her arms at the boy.

"Uh...Hayes." He introduced.

"Hayes huh? My name is Hope, that's my wife Josie and our kid Eileen." Hope introduced and Hayes eyes widened.

'No way,' he thought, his jaw is on the floor...

"He's a wizard." Eileen hid behind the auburn and Hope gives her a hearty laughs.

"Wizard or not, I can still kick his butt." Hope clenched her fist and punched her hand into her palm making Eileen cheer her on.

'Rude,' he scowled. 'It's no doubt who she favors,' Nikolai shakes his head.

"Are you hungry? You must've travelled from a far, Hope and I scoped the whole region and we never saw signs of life except for animals of course." Josie smiled at the boy and Nikolai looks up at the woman.

'I know her...so they are actually my parents. But wait,' He looks at the small girl and there was no doubt that she is their daughter, his sister. Her hair goes from a lighter auburn to a brunette ombre pattern. Same with her eyes, they start blue and ombre to a honey brown. Head shape and nose is the same as Hope's but she has Josie's eyes, eyebrows and pouty lips.

"How did you two birth her?" Hayes asked in shock.

"Uh well..." Josie blushed.

"Sorry, don't answer that. It's just that...I don't know. How did I end up here?" He asked himself and Josie rose an eyebrow.

"Do you not remember? Well, us too. But we allied and ending up falling for each other...Not that I want to—I you know." Josie stammered and he waved it off.

"I get it, that would be weird and disturbing to say the least. But I remember who I am." Nikolai sighs.

"Hm, what does that mean?" Josie wondered.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you—" Nikolai immediately cuts himself off as he appears back at the Mikaelson's manor.

"Woah, the wizard is gone." Eileen points out and Josie scratched the top of her head.

"Weird...Anyways, time for dinner." Josie handed the meal to her daughter who face lifts up.

"Yay!" She grabs the food and immediately began to scoff it down along with Hope.

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