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Josie was receiving a massage from her girlfriend when her sister decided to barge into the room.

"Hey hoes!" Lizzie greeted.

"Lizzie!?!" Josie shoots up and nearly tackles Lizzie to the group.

"This is the quickest I ever seen you get up." Hope jokes and Josie rolled her eyes then sat back down on her girlfriend. "What are you doing here anyways?" She asks the blonde.

"Dad said that since the monsters are gone for now that I can come visit. How does it feel to be in your girlfriend's shoes?" Lizzie questioned her sister and Josie huffs.

"Not fun and I've been dealing with much worse in the past year." She rubbed her belly and Lizzie rose an eyebrow.

"I don't know, getting possessed by one of your distant family members as a kid is a little bit more intense." The blonde mentions.

"I meant for myself, I'm not comparing our traumas." Josie shakes her head.

"Oh, well yeah. Hope show me around New Orleans since we are going to be here for college." Lizzie squeals.

"Right now? I was just giving Jo a massage." Hope snaked her arms around the brunette's waist,

"Well I wanna explore before the sunsets." Lizzie flips her hair.

"It's better at night and the city is pretty small so it won't take long." Hope shrugs.

"I can take her." Sebastian says after vamping into the room.

"Are you going to the same college as Hope?" Josie tilts her head at the boy.

"My mom is practically forcing me to, plus she wants me to get close with the whole family since it has been a very, very, long time." He explained and Lizzie rose an eyebrow.

"If Sebastian is going to be here then so do you Josie." Lizzie smirks.

"What?" Josie furrowed her eyebrows, confusion written in her expression.

"Yeah I mean, you are dating and having kids with Hope, it would be better this way." Lizzie shrugged and Josie thought about it for a minute.

"I was planning on going to Europe for college but I'll talk to mom about changing the idea." Josie replies and causing Lizzie to smile, Hope rests her head on Josie's shoulder.

"Do whatever you feel comfortable doing baby." Hope mutters and Lizzie's smile falter.

"Shut it Mikaelson." She says through gritted teeth.

"Wha—" Hope was about to defend herself but Josie cuts her off.

"Are you taking Sebastian's offer of him showing you around the city?" She asked, choosing to ignore the bickering that was about to surface.

"If you two come with, I would want to go shopping and he is suited for holding the bags and not for talking." Lizzie shrugs.

"Hey!" Sebastian pouts and Hope

"Josie can use the exercise." She mentions and Josie jaw slacks open.

"Are you—" The brunette was immediately cut off by the auburn.

"Baby we been through this, exercise keeps babies strong but makes them also tired meaning no pregnancy pains." Hope explains and Josie pouts.

"You cut me off." She noted and Hope gave her doe eyes.

"Baby please." Hope mutters but they hear a gag from the blonde saltzman capturing both of their attentions.

"Just get ready and let's go, I need some New Orleans clothes." Lizzie leaves the room and Sebastian follows. As Lizzie waits in the kitchen of the residence, she hears approaching footsteps expecting them to be the couple but it was not as she expected. She lets out the loudest scream catching the attention of everyone in the home. "Y-yo-you are..." Lizzie pointed at Klaus and Hayley.

"Alive?" Hayley tried to finish the girl's sentence.

"Alive!" Lizzie squeaks and Klaus lets out a chuckle.

"Oh, well yes." He answers and Hope walks in the room to see what happened.

"What happened?" Hope asked in panic.

"Your parents are alive?!?" Lizzie rushed out and Hope looked between her parents and her best friend.

"Did you not see them when you entered the manor?" Hope questioned and Lizzie frantically shook her head.

"If I did then you would've heard me scream like I just did." She took a deep breath to calm her fast beating heart.

"Lizzie I'm ready." Josie informs once she entered the room.

"How are they alive?" Lizzie ignored her sister.

"Ask your sister." Hope gestured then vamped to put on her shoes.

"Wha—No it was the twins and your doing." Josie crossed her arms.

"You're carrying them." Hope countered.

"You technically put them in me." Josie poked Hope's shoulder and Hope rose an eyebrow.

"Enough of the mild flirting, hello! Dead parents are alive again!" Lizzie exclaims.

"We been catching up. There wasn't much to catch up on, I know four years may seem like a while but them being alive again just kinda ended my grieving especially with your sister being the main person in my life right now. I just learned to accept the impossible at this point." Hope admits, Hayley and Klaus giving her a soft smile.

"It's been a lot to adjust to but I'm not angry to be back if I get to hold my grandbabies." Hayley says and Josie giggles at her thoughts.

"Don't forget that Hope and I's kids are  going to be dark magic wielders, gemini siphoners, first born Mikaelson witches, tribrids...Am I missing something?" Josie seeing Freya stressed look knowing that dealing with Hope as a baby was already bad enough.

"Our babies are just strong beings." Hope shrugs and Josie interlocked their hands.

"We should go now, I can't be up for much longer, I am due next month." Josie tells her sister and Lizze squeals again.

"Oh my God, I can't wait to be an aunt." She grabbed her bag and rushed to the door.

"I can't wait to not have back pains." Josie groans and Hope pouts.

"Do you need another massage?" Hope asked helping Josie walking, Josie whispers something in Hope's ear making Hope blush. "Josie!" She whisper yells making Josie bite her lip with a hidden smile.

"Hm." The brunette hums as they make their way out to the awaiting car.

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