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"Alaric." Freya knocked on his office door that was open wide.

"Freya." Alaric set down his pen and folding his hands over his desk expecting some type of news on his daughter, good or bad.

"I hope you are able to put our family's feud to the side for the sake of your daughter." Freya sighs and Alaric only raises an eyebrow.

"What are you getting at? I already allowed you to be her doctor." He held a confused expression.

"Your family joins mine for Thanksgiving." Freya suggests and his eyes widen a little.

"Hm, I don't know Freya." He strokes his beard as he thinks.

"I need to observe Josie and see if there are any changes or complications. I also know that you want her to be present for your Thanksgiving." She explains and he let out a sigh.

"I suppose, I'll talk it over with the girls." He reassured and she gives him a small smile as well as a small nod.

"Thank you, I'll remind my siblings to behave." She jokes causing him to chuckle.

"Bonnie, Matt, Elena and Damon will also be there along with their child." Alaric reveals and Freya only nods, not knowing much about any of them.

She only knew of Matt and Damon because her sister did have a fling with one of them and the other's brother.

"I don't remember much about the Bennett witch or this Elena person. Kol and Rebekah had a few run in with those two if I remember correctly." Freya shrugged and Alaric sighs.

"Only Damon is my issue, the other three are perfectly fine." He noted and Freya kept that in mind.

They wrapped up their conversation and Freya disclosed with her niece and sister about the arrangement while Alaric informed his family, they didn't seem to mind except for Caroline. She had a few complaints but was persuaded by her daughters. Once the day of feasting arrived, the Saltzman family arrives just as the Salvatore, Bennett and Donovan.

"Aunt Bonnie you have a son?!?" Lizzie exclaimed excitedly seeing the small boy wrapped in her arms.

"Yes, this is Enzo Jr. I adopted him after visiting Enzo's hometown." Bonnie pecked her son's forehead causing the teenagers to coo.

"Another cousin to the batch it seems." Stefanie Salvatore spoke after helping her dad with the bags.

"He's so adorable Bonnie." Caroline rubbed her Nephews back.

She was the first person to know about the altercation in which Bonnie informed her not to tell anyone. Elena soon found out whenever her next day off from the hospital was, they've been wanting to meet their baby Nephew for a while now.

"Hello all." Hope greeted as she swung the front door open.

"Baby Klaus." Damon greeted and Hope roll her eyes playfully.

"Come in come in- Where is Josie?" Hope wondered after looking at the group.

"She's sleeping in the car, I'm not carrying her, dad is too weak to carry her and mom said to let her sleep." Lizzie reveals making Stefanie laugh.

"I'm not weak." Alaric grumbles and Carolina only pats his arm.

Hope allowed them all to enter then went to the car to fetch Josie. Seeing that she's behind the driver's seat, Hope opened the door and snapped her fingers. The bandages soon disappear and Josie's original form is now on display as the girl still sleeps soundly. Picking her up bridal style, Hope carries her inside and sets her gentle on the couch while putting the throw blanket on her.

"Where are her bandages?" Freya appeared scaring Hope.

"Jesus aunt Freya, you can't just do that. I did an illusion spell because I know she's very insecure about this whole thing." Hope explained.

"Hm, you seem to care a lot for her." Freya noted and Hope blushed slightly after looking away.

"I'm just paying her back for saving my life I guess." She shrugs and Freya only shakes her head.

"Well her saving you also resulted into her saving herself and Lizzie from how I see it." Freya informs as they walk into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Lizzie butts in after hearing her name.

"If that monster attacked you and killed you, that would leave Josie and Lizzie practically defenseless. Since they are siphon witches, the monster would've killed them as you transitioned." Freya briefly notifies as simply as possible which the two teenagers seemed to start to piece together.

"Oh, she's smarter than I thought." Hope remarked and Freya nods in agreement.

"Very skillful with potions, she remembers more than I do." She praised and Lizzie burst into laughing receiving confused glazes except from Hope who only scowls.

"Oh that is comedic." Lizzie fake wipes a tear from her eye while Hope shakes her head.

"Anyways, non family members, these are my aunts and uncles. Freya, her wife Keelin and son Nik. Rebekah and her husband Marcel. Kol and his wife Davina. Oh and I'm Hope." Hope introduced and they all introduced themselves back.

"So when is the food going to be done?" Stefanie questioned.

"An hour, you girls can head upstairs and chat." Keelin ushered.

"Wake your sister and have her join you." Caroline told Lizzie who nods.

"Big mistake mother." Lizzie whispers as she walks over to her sister. "JOSIE!" She yells and Josie only groans.

She sat up and gave her sister a deadly stare while Lizzie only die of laughter. It made matters much better when Lizzie remembered that Josie couldn't talk either.

"Come on, we are going to my room and chilling in there until the food is ready." Hope helps Josie up and Josie hands immediately went to her face to feel skin.

She turns to the closes mirror and jaw drops seeing her original self. Her new haircut still on display but her face back to its original form.

"Your girlfriend did it when you was sleep, she even gave you a big kis- OW!" Hope hits Lizzie to stop her speaking.

"I did not!" Hope protests.

"Thank you." Josie signs causing Stefanie to raise an eyebrow.

"Can you not talk?" She questioned.

"Well obviously not if she is signing, idiot." Lizzie signed the last part causing Hope and Josie to laugh softly.

"No need to be rude, it was a simple question." Her cousin rolled her eyes and they see Josie sigh.

She held out her hand for Hope's phone and Hope gave it to her without hesitation causing Lizzie to raise an eyebrow.

"I'll use this because Lizzie is still learning and I don't know if you know sign language Stefanie." Josie used text-to-speech and Freya eyes widened.

"I should note this down-" Freya was about to grab her laptop but was yanked back by Keelin, damn wolf strength.

"Babe it's Thanksgiving, we are not working." Keelin scolded.

"But-" Freya was immediately cut off by her wife.

"Not buts, bye girls." Keelin waved off and they waved back. "Bonnie, I think Nik and Enzo should have a little play date as well until food is down." Keelin picked up her son and Bonnie nods in agreement.

After Keelin stops speaking, Lizzie takes off running up the steps.

"Call dibs on Hope's bed!" She exclaimed.

"It's my bed!" Hope argues, following closely behind Lizzie.

"You didn't call dibs!" Lizzie yells back.

"Oh boy." Caroline sighs and the adults laugh.

Josie ended up with the bed.

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