Chapter 2

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"IF YOU ARE DONE BITCHING ABOUT YOUR BOSS, GET YOUR ASS BACK UP HERE" the voice startles the dude and I both

I look around and he points to the speaker right above the cafe making me nod but neither him, nor I say anything, I was handed the coffee and a piece of cake, I mumbled a soft thank you before walking up to the cabin

I was anxious to go in the cabin because he had heard me talking about him and now he will fire me, oh my god what if he does fire me? This is my dream job and I genuinely don't want to lose it over something so silly

He wouldn't fire me on the firs day right? no but like people mostly get fired on the first day, it is way more likely to happen, no no.

I heard something in the cabin and that caused me to be brought back to the world where I am about to be fired. Taking one deep breath I knock on the door

"Come in" his voice already freaks me out

I step in and see it was just him in his cabin, cabir was gone and that is a problem because cabir is the perfect buffer in between, he was so nice to me

"Your coffee" I say placing it on the desk

He looks up and glares at me for some reason and in my head I was already thinking of finding a new job and finding other things that I could do when I get fired

"Am I going to have to give you a lecture about bitching in the office?" He asks

"No, I I promise I wasn't bitching, I was just asking what 100C means but I am sorry" I ramble

"Tell me about your experiences" he says sipping on his coffee

"Huh?" I was so confused

"What have you done in your life, work wise" he says

"Oh, well I have worked at a cafe for 2 years but in terms of work that was it. I did volunteer at a shelter for women, kids' centres, I have shadowed Mr Raj Malhotra before, he was building this women's shelter" I say


"I like to read, I sometimes sketch but it all depends on if I have time or not"

"How serious are you about this job?" his demeanour changes

"Very serious, this is my dream job, I have worked my butt off to get where I am and it would physically hurt me if I lost this opportunity" 

"Well don't do anything stupid and you'll have your job, sit" he orders

I nervously pull a chair out siting in front of him as he looks at a file, i felt like I was staring at him and that's bad.

"Pages 12 to 23, find the mistakes" he says handing me the file

I grab the file and then I looked around for a notepad which I couldn't find

"Looking for your brain?" He asks making me giggle

"No hehe that's here but I need a notepad" I say

He raises an eyebrow at me making me realize I just giggled in front of him, yup, I giggled

"Mhm sorry, I just need a notepad or paper"

He hands me a notepad and a pencil.

It took about 2 hours to go through everything and figure it out but it wasn't too bad. I mean yes, I hate paperwork and finding mistakes in a document especially when I don't know what kind of mistakes he was looking for

To be honest, for the first 15 minutes I thought it was a trick and there were no mistakes but the fact that he handed it to me and specifically asked to find mistakes lets me know there are mistakes.

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