Chapter 11

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"It will take 30 minutes" the worker lets me know

"That's okay, can you give me a call whne it's ready?" I ask

"Sure" I smile at them walking to the garden again

I picked the corner with roses by it before I sat on the grass, my legs crossed as I look at the rose

"Why is it that people judge me so much? I feel like it's not bad to be so chirpy and giggly, it hides the pain but he feels like I am taking advantage of him" I whisper touching the petals of the rose

"I can try and pretend I am not hurt but I am, I genuinely thought him and I are great friends but maybe not, maybe I was forcing myself on him or maybe I just need to start picking up on other people's emotions. I have been so in my own world that I didn't notice how much he hates me being around me"

A drop of water falls on my forehead making me look up, I giggle softy when another water drop falls on my nose

"You are crying too?" I ask looking up as I wipe my own eyes

another drop falls on me and I close my eyes feeling it

I sat there for an hour before my phone rang to let me know the food was ready, I grabbed the food and walked up to the room

"Here you guys go" I mumble placing the food on the table

Both cabir and manik's eyes reach me

I don't know if it is the fact that his words hurt or the fact that it feels like I have lost a friend but it felt like shit. I felt like crap

"Come eat kid" cabir says

"Nah, I am stuffed" I lie

I knew if I ate, I'd throw up instantly

Whenever I am emotional or anxious, I can't stomach anything, it makes me feel like I am a huge ass balloon and if I put anytime in my tummy, I will vomit so it's better I don't eat

"You ate hours ago"

"Cabu I am good, I had ice cream while I waited for your food so focus on food before it gets cold"

He chuckles before turning to food, I grabbed my laptop and walked in the balcony

The next couple hours I put my headphones in and just worked, I wasn't behind on work but I did start to work ahead. I never let any of my work be affected by anything but if manik thinks so, I need to buck up

"Kid come in here, it's getting windy out there"

"Cabu it's nice and cold"

"Shh come in here"

Sighing I got up and came in the room

Seeing me yawn he laughs grabbing a blanket

"Come sleep"

i was pretty exhausted so I brushed and then grabbed the blankets walking to the couch

"Not there, sleep on the bed, manik and I can sleep on the couch"

I couldn't help but laugh hearing him

"You two are huge, sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the couch" I say


"That's me but no I will sleep here. Goodnight" I say

He laughs shutting the lights, the entire time manik didn't say anything, he didn't even make eye contact but whatever maybe I just need to work better

The next two days were so buys with conferences, it was like walking from the 2nd floor up to the 4th then to the 7th and back to the 3rd for hours and when I say hours, I mean from noon till almost midnight.

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