Chapter 60

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"FUCK OFF" she yells in my face pushing me

This girl walks to the middle of the dance floor dancing and swaying to the music.

Her hips sway side to side with the music, her arms up in the air as she grooves, she looks gorgeous but those men around her that are eyeing her are pieces of shit

"Enough, I have had enough of this" I say picking her up and onto my shoulder

"Let me goooooo, I hate you, let go of me, someone save me" she screams

Of course everyone was too busy partying and didn't give a fuck, not that it would have mattered

Unlocking the door, I place Nandini on her feet shutting the door behind us locking it.

"ASSHOLE" she yells at before trying to unlock the door

"Okay then" I mumble picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder

"I am going to chop your head off" she threatens

"Wouldn't that be bad baby?" I ask throwing her on the bed

Her cheeks puffed up with anger becoming bright red.

My eyes wander on her body and fuck, I am so god damn lucky. Not only does my wife have a beautiful heart but, she is also perfect, she is drop dead gorgeous

"Stop staring" she says putting her hand over her boobs

"So that guy out there could stare and those guys in the party can but your own husband can't?" I mumble, jealousy seeping off my tongue

"Yeah you know what yes they can because they did not push me off them like I am some kind of random hook-up"

"I admit that was wrong" she scoffs

"Once again you admit you are wrong but what will happen in 3 days maybe 5 days?"

"Nandini I didn't push you off because"

"It doesn't matter why you pushed me off, nor does it matter how sorry you feel because I am in no mood to have a conversation with you" she interrupts

"You sure?" I ask hovering over her, leaning down so her nose touches mine

I could hear her breath hitch, even when she is pissed I affect her, My proximity affects her and that proves that I mean something to her

"Yes I am sure" she whispers

Leaving down I place a soft kiss on her forehead making her eyes close.

"I understand how angry and pissed off you are"

"You don't" she mumbles as I trail soft kisses down her face avoiding her lips

As my lips mark her as mine with every kiss down her jaw, onto her neck and collarbone, her hands fist my shirt.

"You can't go out looking like the most beautiful women on this planet and not expect me to punch every guy I see looking at you"

"Why do you care? I don't' mean shit to you anyways"

"Thats the thing, you mean the world to me" I reply placing a kiss on her lips

Her legs wrap around me as I hover over her, I place my hands on either side of her head pushing up and off her body but my body still hovers over hers

"That night when I kissed you I fucking meant it Nandini, not just that time but every single fucking time I have kissed you, I have meant it" I whisper

"No you don't" she replies looking in my eyes

"I did, and you were right, I have tons of shit in my head and you deserve to know"

"I don't want to, not anymore"

"Someone I liked a very long time ago, she pretended like she cared for me and then she took advantage of me" I close my eyes as the memories flash back

For a second I think of not saying anything else but I know that if I want Nandini and I to work, if I want us to be together forever, I have to tell her.

"I don't drink often but i used to, life was shit and alcohol was my escape, thats when I met her, that how I met Alia. She and I got along very well, she and I would drink together, we even did drugs once because she said it numbs the pain and she was right it did numb all that turmoil. It made me blank! cabir only knew about me drinking but when he found out I did drugs he hauled my ass back home and made me swear on him that I would never do drugs or drink. He said if I wanted to drink then he would drink with me. Things were getting better until that night, alia invited me to her house just for a sleepover but I didn't know things would take a turn. As usual we had food and she got me a drink which I refused and told her about cabir and i's deal so she got me a Pepsi but little did I know, she had put drugs in it. She thought I won't remember anything but I remember it all"

I take another deep breath focusing on Nandini's face

"She started kissing me and that was normal because we did date for a bit but then she started undressing me and she knew that I wasn't in my mind, she knew I couldn't consent to anything but she took advantage of my drunkness and she full on had sex with me"

"manik" nandini gasps

"To the world that seems like the best thing, a chick has sex with you but to me that felt degrading, that felt like a part of me was taken away from me. I never wanted to have sex with her, I wanted to save my virginity for marriage for no apparent reason but the fact that she knew and still took advantage of it was shit. I woke up with her sleeping right next to me, I didn't have any clothes on and neither did she. For some time I didn't know what had happened but when I got over that hangover those bits and fragments came back. She raped me and if I were to tell anyone, they'd laugh in my face because I am a guy, a boy, a man but if a women were to walk in a police station the accusations would be taken seriously" I tell her

Tears run down nandini's face

"it isn't like I didn't try, when I reached home, cabir instantly figured it out by the marks all over my back, neck and shoulder but the cops just swept it under the table saying I was drunk and that if the girl was to come in the police station I could go behind bars for years if not my whole life. Ever since that day I have always had a very difficult time with physical touch and I know you are probably thinking about how stupid I am for calling it rape"

"No, I would never manik" she whispers cupping my face in her tiny little hands

"The cops couldn't do anything and neither could cabir, he fought a lot for me but at one point you just have to realize that it's not worth it and it wasn't. It still haunts me and I still get nightmares or flashes of those memories. I shouldn't have pushed you off but"

"Manik I am sorry, I am so sorry" she whispers as tears run down the side of her eyes

"Shh shh baby, don't cry" I whisper with a smile

"I shouldn't have reacted like that, I said a whole bunch of bullshit and the way I acted is absolutely not right. I am sorry" she cries

For the first time someone other than cabir was crying over my pain, the pain I felt years ago, the pain that I didn't think anyone would understand, that pain is now reflecting on her face

"How could she" she cries

"Shh Jaan, it's okay"

"It's not, she deserves to rot in a pigs farm with pigs running all over her face and eating off her limbs" she mumbles sniffling making me smile

"Lets not cry" I say wiping her tears off

She sniffles wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me to her chest, I try to fight it for a second but then I give in

"Cry, yell, scream, do what it takes to get that pain out. The only way to heal is letting go and you have kept the pain deep within manik. Cry it out, I am right here to hold you" she whisper kissing my head

even hearing her brings tears to my eyes but her kiss made it hard to control them

"I am right here mani, not her, nor your mother, no one can harm you" she whispers dropping little kisses on my forehead

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