Chapter 45

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Nandini's pov

The second the car stops I run, I don't even think twice before sprinting in the house and that was probably a really big mistake because as soon as I entered the house I tripped

I tripped over absolutely nothing, I felt like my ankle had bent a weird way because it hurt really bad when I fell on the floor

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Navya runs up to me

"Yeah, all okay" I reply holding my ankle

"Cabirrr" navya yells

"I am fine, don't worry" I give her a smile or try to I guess

"No you aren't, there are tears in your eyes" she scolds making me realize I was actually crying a little

It hurt really bad, I couldn't even move it

"Why are you yelling and why is nandini on the floor?" he asks coming down the stairs

"She twisted her ankle"

As soon as navya said that, cabir ran to us sitting right by me

"Ahh cabir no, it hurts" I yell when he touches my ankle

"Shit I am sorry, how did you even do that?" He asks carefully touching my ankle

"What are you guys doing?" Manik's voice makes me tear up more for some reason

"Her ankle, she twisted it while running" navya tells him

"Grab me that spray" he mumbles

"No I don't want any spray" I tell him

"I didn't ask you, did I?"

I glare at him to the best of my ability because right now I was in way too much pain

"No" I wince in pain when he touches my ankle

"You should have ran a litter faster" he taunts

"And you should shut up" I yell

"Keep your voice in check" he warns

"It hurts" I whisper looking at him

"I know" he mumbles back

He picks me up placing me on the couch, he sits wiht my legs over his lap as he tries to massage my ankle

"No, manik it hurts, please" I cry

"Shhh it doesn't'

"how would you know huh? I am the one hurt"


"You quiet, it hurts bad, like really really bad"

"This is why you don't run around like that"

"It wasn't like I tried to ahhhhhh oh my god" I scream when he pulls on my ankle

i couldn't help but grab onto manik's shirt shoving my face in his chest as I cried at the pain. It hurt so bad, it was bad

"Shh shh it's okay baby, you are okay" he assures running his fingers through my hair

"I-it hu-hurts" I stammer

It was almost like a limb being pulled away from my body

"I know love, it's okay. Some pray and ice will have it back to normal in no time"

"Yo-u pr-promise?"

he nods kissing my head

"I promise" i grab onto his shirt curling in him a little more

He doesn't pull back, nor does he say anything, instead he just picks me up in his arms

"Thanks, also she said yes so the wedding is happening the day after tomorrow" he mumbles

"HELL YAAA" I hear both of them yell in happiness

"Are you okay?" He asks placing me on the bed

i shake my head at him letting him know that I am not okay, I am anything but okay. My foot is on fire right now and I am getting married in a little over 24 hours but how do I do that now?

"Baby shh top thinking, you are fine. I promise it will be better in a few hours okay?" He assures once again

I lean on his chest holding his shirt

"But what if it isn't healed by tomorrow?" I ask

"Then what?"

"Then what will happen? How am I supposed to walk to the manado and get married?"

"Simple, I will carry you now shh and stop overthinking. Is that understood?" he asks

"Mhm" I hum snuggling in his chest

"We can't be doing this before marriage, this is a sin" I giggle hearing him

"No touching till marriage" I ask

"Certainly baby, you think you can keep your hands to yourself?"


He chuckles hearing me

"I thought I wasn't hot or handsome"

"Who said you are? I just like being close because you are warm" I tease

"Now I am a personal heater, wowwww"

"Hehhe manikkk" I giggle hiding in his chest

"Does it hurt?" I nod closing my eyes

"I have designers coming in tomorrow morning so they can measure you and stuff for your wedding lehenga and other outfits. You can tell them exactly what you want and it will be taken care of" he explains

"Will you be here in the morning? Or you have plans?" I ask

"No plans but you don't need me there"

"It's about needing you there, I want you there, you don't have any appointments or anything so why don't you have your fittings at the same time"

he thinks for a second before he nods

"I don't mind that, it will be more bearable with you there but isn't there a thing with not seeing the bride's outfit before the wedding" I smile hearing him

So he does know about weddings.

"That is a thing but who cares, it's fine. Please will you get your fittings with mine?"

"Sure" he whispers

I hum not wanting him to leave, I like being in his arms, I also like that right now I can't feel too much of my painful sprained ankle

"You hungry?" He asks

"No but can you stay like this?" I whisper

he doesn't say anything, not a single word but he does hold me tighter so I close my eyes adjusting myself in his arms

Never in a million years did I think I'd be laying in a man's arms like this and be at peace but here we are.

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