Chapter 55

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"how much time do you have? Because if you think that he has hurt me once, you are wrong"

"I have unlimited time for you baby, what has he done?" I ask running my fingers through her hair

"When I was born, my parents, they didn't want me so they threw me in a bag and put me by a bus station, the owner of an orphanage was walking by and well long story short she found me in there and took me with her. I grew up alone in an orphanage, everyone hated me because I didn't talk much and because Rajiv liked me. He is Amma's, the owner of the orphanage, he is her son and he would only play with me. I didn't think much of it until stuff happened and I started pulling away from him. Initially I liked his company because my thoughts used to eat up my brain sitting alone but I shut myself out when I turned 17. It took a while to Gian the courage of running away but I did"

She ran away from the orphanage?

"I had recently graduated and had a scholarship to university so that helped but I have been running for years, hiding. I had thought I got away but he caught me multiple times until I moved closer to here and got the job, for the first time I didn't see him in months and I got comfortable. I started calling the house a home but then he found me again. This time I fortunate enough to have you and cabir so I didn't need to run or change cities"

She looks up at me, her fingers trace my jawline

"I should have told you before we got married but"

"just because we are married doesn't mean you have to tell me everything" I comment

"It feels wrong" she whispers

"What do you mean? This marriage feels wrong?" I ask now knowing what she was referring to

"These secrets, it feels wrong that I like your kisses, it feels wrong that I like when you hold me, when your fingers run through my hair calming me down, it feels wrong when I want to wrapped in your arms. It feels wrong that you don't know that i provoked someone"


I am so clueless and not sure of what she means

"Rajiv said I provoked him, he said the clothes I wear made him put his hands on me"

"He put his fucking hands on you?" I groan

"Multiple times, I wasn't sure what was happening, he would touch my arm and thats fine but it got to a point where he was trying to touch my waist and watching me change"

What the actual fuck?

"I didn't even know until one of girls caught him and told me, she obviously didn't blame him, she said it was my fault and I didn't want Amma to be disappointed in me"

"Nandini she wouldn't, why would you even think that?"

"He said he knows his mother, he said she will throw me out and honestly Manik, that would be fine but she was the only one who kept me safe and I didn't want to ruin that image of her in my head, I didn't want her to think that saving me and giving me a chance at life was a mistake so I ran" she whispers

"Fuck baby, how did you manage all these years?" I whisper caressing her chubby cheeks

A soft sad smile on her face as she looks at me, tears line her lower lash line.

"I don't know" she replies

"I want you to know that there will never be a second in our life, in your life that you have to worry about money, a home, food, nothing. You have nothing to worry about ever. Do you understand that Jaan?" I ask

She nods chewing on her lips, she was trying not to cry in front of me

Taking one deep breath I lean down and place my lips on hers, her hands wrap around my neck as she pulls me closer.

Her lips part molding against mine, she tastes like candy, sweet and perfect. Not just her lips but all of her fits right in my life like she is molded and built for me or maybe I was built for her.

"I want you to know, whatever he did was not your fault" I whisper against her lips as I pull back from the kiss


"It doesn't matter what he said, what anyone else said, you are not at fault. You can walk around in lingerie or you can be wearing a suit, no one in this fucking world should lift their eyes and eye your like you are an object. Your clothes, your words, your gestures and your actions are your own and they are not an invitation. I don't give a fuck what he told you or what those people at the orphanage said to you. I am telling you that you are not at fault. Nandini baby you are not at fault" I mumble pecking her lips

"Mani" she whispers sniffling

"Jaan, do you understand?" She nods

Her nose nudging against mine.

"You don't hate me?" She asks

"Oh baby I don't hate you, why would I hate you?" I ask pulling her close to my body

She is such a sweet little girl, there is not a single morsel in my body that hates her.

"because someone else touched me, he said that no one will like me if I tell them this happened with me"

"Nandini thats not true, he was manipulating you. Everyone has a past, I have one but I am not ready to share it yet however do you hate me becasue I am not telling you?" I ask

"No, why would I care what your past had? I care about you now, I care about us and how you are with me not how you were with an ex or whatever"

"Exactly! Why the fuck would I hate you?"

"That is so stupid, you make me answer my own questions, bad hubby, very very bad" she scolds shaking her pointer finger at me like a teacher

"He hurt you and I will take care of him but I want you to know that it is not your fault" I mumble kissing her nose

"I got it dude" she giggles showing me a thumbs up

I couldn't help but chuckle at her, she is such a kid

"There is nothing that you can say or do that will make me hate you" I state

"That a lie, you be yelling so much. Nandini i do not like the way you did this, nandini this coffee is bad, nandini I hate you" I bite back a smile when she mimics my voice


She nods bobbing her head, her eyes gleaming

"That coffee was bad and you purposely use cursive handwriting when you wanna piss me off" she giggles

"I do hehehe, guilty as charged" she laughs louder making me smile

When nandini wants to piss me off, she will use cursive handwriting on some of the documents because she knows how messy it is.

she rests her head on my shoulder, as I continue to run my fingers through her curls she closes her eyes holding my t shirt and eventually she was fast a sleep on my chest

I kiss her head pulling the blankets over the two of us, closing the lights I slip down in bed with her still over me.

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