Chapter 34

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"You hungry, little munchkin?" I ask as we continue to sway

"Mhm a little, you know what sounds bomb right now?"


"Fries, spicy and salty fries" she says licking her lips

"Then we can get those, why don't you freshen up and I can get you some food?"

She nods smiling.

It was so hard to detach from her but I had to. She runs up to the little balcony giggling at the stars and the moon pointing at it and showing me as if I wouldn't notice if she didn't point them out.

To be very honest, in front of her, I barely notice anything so the moon and the stars wouldn't even matter around her.

"See that one always stays by the moon, sometimes I think they are best friends or maybe they are gossiping you know" she utters her theory of why a particular star is right beside the moon all the time

I don't think I have ever felt this, and I know I keep thinking it and saying too to myself but it is so true. This feeling isn't something I am used to.

"You know manik, sometimes I wonder if my parents are watching me from somewhere up there" she says

I place my phone on the table walking out to the balcony, I lean on the railing with my back looking at her. She never talks about her parents so this is new

"Your parents" I ask

"Who knows where they are but I wish I got to meet them, I wish I knew why they did what they did and I wish that mmhm forget it. I am going to freshen up really quick" she says with a smile

I nod even though I didn't want her to go like that but she wasn't ready to talk, her smile wasn't the usual happy nandini smile, it was sad. For someone who couldn't give a fuck, I sure seem to notice her

"What have you planned?" I whisper looking up at the stars

There was a time in my life when I used to sit in the backyard and talk to these little creatures up in the sky, only because my father used to tell me about them, but in the past 13 years I have not glanced at them.

That one star nandini talked about shines brighter or maybe I am making shit up but it looked like it shined. It is probably my father laughing at me right now because the night he passed away I had looked up and said I would never talk to him or his stars but here I am

I swear this girl makes me do a lot of stuff, things that I swore I'd never do but for her one smile I'd do about everything which is so dangerous and scary to me

"Woah" her whisper makes me smile

I was in my room just getting some updates about nyonika and my father's will

"Tell me you saw how big that is" she says coming in my room

"How big what is?" I ask

"The moon, you saw right? It has only been like 20 minutes since I left to change but the moon looks huge" she rambles on

"No I didn't see"

She pouts walking to the curtains in my room, she grabs one end yanking them all the way to the other end, the moon light enter right in lighting the room up because I was sitting in the dark

"Look, huge" she says pointing at the moon opening the doors to the balcony

"Nandini shut the doors, it's cold out there"

"You are boring old man, it is not cold, it's called peaceful" she mumbles standing by the railing

I shake my head at her, she is so bossy sometimes

Placing my phone on the bed I look at her and find her leaving half her body over the railing as she tries to look for something

"Okay no baby we don't do that here" I say grabbing her waist picking her up

"Hey that is rude" she complains as I carry her tot he living room

"It is rude to lean over the railing, you know you can fall over right?" I ask

"Who cares, id not break anything so we good"

"How are you so sure that you won't break anything?"

"You don't wanna know, but since you asked, I will tell you. Ohhhh fires" she gets distracted so easy

"Coke?" I ask

She nods leaning over to take a sip of the coke instead of grabbing the glass

"Mhm hmm yum yum" she giggles munching on the food

I sit there watching her, she is gorgeous

I sit on the couch, my legs sprawled on the table. In the past 5 days I have not done anything but look at emails or anything else related to work. Today feels different for some reason

"Can you watch a horror movie with me?" she asks sitting beside me

"Who watches such obnoxious shit?" I ask

"Okay yeah, you are old. You are so god damn old man" she says yanking the remote from me

"I am only a few years older than you"

"Few too many is what you mean old guy" she teases

"I can fire you, aware of that right?" I ask

"Nope, you can't even get the right coffee order for yourself without me so forget it Mr Malhotra"

She isn't wrong, it's been forever since I have done anything on my own.

I was starting to overthink when her head presses against my chest making me look down at her

"You are warm and comfy" she whispers

"So now you are using me?" I tease

She looks up in my eyes and smiles, the kind of smile I love mhm no I mean the kind of smile I like

"I would be using you if we were both naked and I was on top of you" I press my lips together trying not to mumble anything inappropriate to her

"Yeah?" I ask

"Mhm assuming you'd let a girl get on top of you because you seem dominant. Are you?" She asks

"Shhh look how cute that puppy is" I whisper pointing at the tv

"Aww so sweet" she smiles laying her head back on my chest

I swear this girl is something else, she is never afraid to say anything, she barely even thinks before saying stuff

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