Chapter 63

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"God damn it Nandini, can you stop?" I yell

"Hehe come find me hubby" she giggles running

Tell me why I thought it was great idea to bring her to the park, she was all moody and upset that the past 4 days, all we did was fight and argue so the first thing she asked for this morning was to go to the park

Well she didn't say it like that, she walked up to me with a grin on her face and mumble 'will you please take me to the park with tons and tons of slides and swings'.

Now, normally I'd say no right away but the way she asked with that shine in her eyes, I couldn't say no but I definitely regret it. She has been running away from me the entire time

"Mani you are no fun" she pouts peaking out from behind the tree

"Baby I am tons of fun but come on this isn't the kind of fun we are going to have"

"But why?"

"Because I would catch you in seconds and then you will pout at me" I tell her

She glares at me putting her hands on her hips

"You are so cocky, now I know why you won't chase me, it's because you will not be able to grandpaaaa" she says sticking her tongue out at me

"You sure about that statement?" I ask

"Hell yeah, you big old grandpaaaa" she yells

The second I got up from the bench, this girl bolted the other way, for a second I couldn't help but laugh at her tactics to get me to chase her.

Her and I were running through a park, yup a children's park, the media would get a heart attack if they ever saw me like this but who cares man. She is all that matters!

It took a minute but I caught up to her grabbing her by her waist, her giggles fills the surroundings blocking every other kid's voice out.

"Hahah no fair mani" she laughs as I carry her

"Everything's fair in love and war my darling" I whisper kissing her forehead

"I like your smile, have I told you that?" She asks looking at me

she has, she has told me a few times but it never gets old, I actually love compliments from her

"You have" I mumble

"It's soft, I like my soft mani" she mumbles caressing my face gently as she rests her head on my shoulder

shit, fuck, my heart!

"Do you know that person?" She asks as we were walking

"What person?" I look around

"He seems like he knows you" she utters

I follow her gaze to find a guy who wasn't even looking at us

"He isn't even looking at us"

"He was, he was staring"

"Shh stop staring at other men, you bad girl" she giggles shaking her head

"Don't you worry hubby, you and I are bound for life"

"Exactly so stop staring at any male specimen"

"Should I stare at boobs and ass instead?"

"Go right ahead, if you find a good pair then you can invite her" I tease

"Didn't take you as a person you'd like threesomes"

"And why might you have that idea?"

"You scowl and glare people to death when they even look at me so having another being seeing me naked would probably get them killed by you" I smirk hearing her

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