Chapter 28

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Nandini's pov

I have never ever seen such a pretty sight, the sky is filling up with orange and yellow making it look like an orange cream sickle, one of my favourite ice creams.

The soft chilly wind touches my face as I roll the car windows down, I could feel a smile on my face as I close my eyes just feeling the wind, it is genuinely so beautiful and refreshing

"Close the windows hun" his voice sends little shivers down my back

I turn my head to look at him, he was staring into his phone as if it was his most prized possession and it probably is because I have never seen him without his phone

"I like the wind" I whisper

"I know you do but you'll get sick" he mumbles back, his eyes still on his phone

he isn't wrong, I roll the windows back up sitting there grumpily, I am sleepy and therefore grumpy and in a pissy mood.

I went into my room after Manik told me to sleep but I couldn't sleep in the guest room for some reasons so I was just wandering around in the guest room for a while until I got bored and started watching tom and jerry int he living room

It is so weird that I fell a sleep in manik's room because when I woke up I was all bundled up in blankets which I'm assuming Manik put on me. See that's the thing I can fall a sleep so quick around him.

"Thanks Ronald" he mumbles to the driver when we got to the airport

My eyes begin to explore every inch of that airport, it was gorgeous and so simple, I didn't know private jets looks o tiny compared to an actual plane.

"Manik why is it so small?" I ask pointing at the private jet which was right next to the actual huge plane

"Becasue it doesn't need to be as big as an airplane"


"there is room for 10 people in there vs an airplane that can take hundreds"

"Yes but like, I guess so" I whisper

"Passport" the dude asks, Manik places both our passports in his hand

"Thank you" I giggle when he hands mine to me

"Your welcome pretty lady" he winks making me smile

"Wanna get fired?" Manik asks scaring the person who instantly speed walks away

"Hehe such a monster" I giggle

he glares at me too making me walk in front of him

"Welcome aboard miss"

I smile at the air hostess, she is so sweet to me.

"Woah Manik we didn't even  get our tickets" I say seeing seats

"Sit wherever you want"

"Really?" I ask

He nods walking into the cockpit while I sat in every single seat before I picked a window seat, I couldn't help but grin so wide.

I used to watch planes fly over the orphanage, I would sit by the window and count them fly by, never in a million years were my thoughts that I would get to sit in one but here I am.

"Look at you giggling and grinning like you won the lottery" Manik mumbles taking a seat beside me

"It is a lottery for me, you know I used to want to be in an airplane but then who was going to let me on a plane anyways right. Manik I'm on a planeee" I laugh

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