Chapter 32

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Manik's pov

"Manik pull it together" she whisper yells at me before walking away

All of me wanted to grab her arm and ask her to stand right there beside me because when she is around me, I am calm. I can think and I can feel but right now the only thing rushing through me is anger

I turn around taking a deep breath as Nandini's words about being calm settle in, she is right, I can't let my anger set in and ruin my business, not when I know that my father's will is involved

It took a minute to get back into rhythm with talking to everyone but for the next couple hours I pulled it together until I saw that bastard's face again.

"Why are you so mad at me?"

"Aryaman if you don't get the fuck out of my face, I will not think twice before punching you in the face"

"Listen, I said I was sorry and I promise it won't ever happen again" he mumbles

"I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK" I yell back in his face before walking out of the gala

I walk to the car where I find nandini already sitting in there, her head rests on the back of the seat

The driver doesn't need instructions because he starts to drive as soon as I sat down, I was still angry at nandini and I don't even know why.

As soon as the car stop at the villa, she was out of the car stopping in the villa.


she turns around, her cheeks puffed up with anger, bright red

"If you ever and I mean ever point a finger at me for my dressing sense"

"Excuse me? Are you fucking kidding me nandini? You are the one who created a scene there"


I have never seen or heard her scream like that

"I seriously thought that you and I were getting to a point where we could be friends and not want to rip off each other's head. I thought that we could be cordial, we could be fine but no. You play this hot and stupid fucking cold game with me, it's like you can't make up your mind"


"No, why did you take care of me when I was sick? Why did you let me stay in your room in that cabin? Why did you send Ryan to help drive me back to the cabin? Why did you sit there and let me talk to you and let me think we are something more than just strangers? Why did you grab me instead of that btich? Why did you manik?" She yells at me

Tears run down her face as she looks at me.

"I don't expect anything, I don't want anything but when you say I don't have you and I never will, it hurts me. It isn't because I want you, it's because I have had no-one so when people come into my life, I want them to stay. I know that isn't your problem but you need to realize you can't treat people like shit manik" she sinks down onto the floor

"I understand you have had a past but guess what manik? So does everyone else. Every single person on this earth has some kind of past but not everyone is running around yelling at people" she isn't wrong

How do I explain what I am going through and how do I tell her that she isn't the problem, it's actually me. I am the biggest fucking problem in this world

This is exactly why I don't feel, this is why I block all my feelings, I block every single thing that could connect me to people because I know I will end up hurting them one day or another

"Baby" I whisper sinking to the floor in front of her

"No, do not call me that manik. Do not call me anything, I am no one to you and that was proven on the jet. Oh and one more thing, you do not ever judge me for what I am wearing. I will wear what I want, when I want. If you have a problem then deal with it but I will not change because you want me to"

I sigh hearing her, that wasn't my intention, it never will be but I mhm I am shit scared.

"I know I fucked up but will you hear me out please?" I ask inching closer to her

"Of course I will so you can call me a slut for wearing a dress, so that you can tell me how you love that bitch soha, of course I will listen so that you can tell me that I won't ever get that cordial friendship with you. What is it this time manik? Tell me"

I shake my head at her inching even closer.

"The only reason I asked you to change"

"Is because I look like a slut, isn't it?" She asks wiping her tears pushing them away harshly

"It's because I can't keep my head grounded seeing in that dress, you look alluring, gorgeous, perfect, you look beautiful nandini and it distracts me" I whisper the truth out

When I saw her in that dress earlier this evening, my heart felt something, it was almost like my heart missed a beat or I forgot how to breath

"I wasn't lying when I said soha doesn't mean shit to me, she is nothing to me"

Nandini scoffs hearing me as she sniffles

"I grabbed you off her because she was hurting your arms nandini, it wasn't because I was worried for her, I was worried for you" I whisepr

"I don't wanna hear it" she whispers still sniffling

"I have issues but half of them disappear when you are in front of me. I don't know why I am feeling what I am feeling, hell I don't even know what I am feeling at this point, but all I know is you make me feel things hun. I know I took it too far teasing you on the jet but none of it was true. I was just teasing you about liking soha because you were jealous but when I said you don't have me and you never will"

"It hurts" she cries

"I am sorry" I whisepr

"I feel like just when I am getting to that soft manik, you turn around and ruin it. I can't play this game with you manik, I am already broken and this, all of this is just shattering those broken pieces"

For the first time I felt like I was going to throw up, I was overwhelmed and her crying wasn't helping at all, in fact it was making things worse

I forward my arms to hold her but she pulls back shaking head


"Manik" she whimpers looking in my eyes

I couldn't take it anymore, I inched closer grabbing her into my arms, she whines a little fighting to get out of my hold.

"Baby please just hear me out, please" I whisper kissing the top of her head

"I am so tired manik" she cries

"I know darling, shh just please hear me out and I promise we won't ever have to be in this position again, just this one time. Just hear me out"

I don't even know how to describe how I was feeling right, I suck at feelings and expressing them but this is far worse, knowing that I have hurt her

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