Chapter 21

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I was working on some reviews for manik when the cabin door opens making me look up excitedly but all my happiness and excitement goes away when I see cabir walking in the cabin

"Wow, you are terrible at hiding your expressions" he says


Of course I am not going to admit anything so the best thing is play dumb

"Don't play dumb with me kiddo, your eyes fell as soon as you saw me. Were you expecting someone else?" He asks or teases I guess

"It's okay, don't think too much. I can tell you were expecting someone else"

"no, why would I expect anyone else? I was just startled that's all"

"So you weren't waiting for Manik?" He asks

Even his name makes me feel such ways

"No, but since you mentioned, where is he? He is never late plus we have a"

'Okay relax Miss railway express, he is coming"

"He is?"

"Yeah, he was dealing with some international clients" I hum nodding

"But I do have a question for you" he mumbles

"Yeah? Can I get you anything?" I ask

"Yeah the answer to my question. Was Manik with you last night?"

As soon as he asked, I start to fidget with that random string on the edge of my top

"No, yeah"

"He was, right?" I hum looking away

"And do I need to ask what happened? Or should I assume?"

"I was scared but like I didn't even tell him I was scared. He came here and I think it was because he needed something from the office but he fixed the noise. You know the tv makes the scariest noise when it is against the wall. It sounds like titi but like bad ghost"

he chuckles sitting beside me, he pats my head like a big brother, even a fatherly figure. I love cabir and navya, they make me feel like I have a family.

"The only thing I will say is, don't pull back because you think it isn't the right thing to do. He will make you feel like you are in the wrong but that's just his way of pushing every good that is coming his way"

I frown not being able to understand any of his words

"I am confused" I utter

"You will know what I mean when the time comes"

"This sounds like a riddle and I don't think I can solve it" he smiles kissing my head

"Riddles are your favourites and I know that you will figure it out for sure"

"Damn right I will" i hum shaking my head side to side

"No thats fine, I will get there a day before and if they can make the morning I land then that is perfect" his voice makes me smile

I didn't even realize that I was grinning from ear to ear until cabir cleared his throat catching my attention, his smirk was enough to let me know he caught me smiling

"Just email it to my assistant, she will figure that out for me" he utters walking in the cabin

His eyes reach mine and I pout seeing his frowns, this only causes him to frown more.

"Yeah that's fine"

He slips the phone in his left pocket before he leans his back on his table, his hands grip the edge of the table and I couldn't help but stare at his hands

"What is going on here?" His husky voice makes me feel some type of ways

"Nandini and I were talking about the ghost she heard yesterday, know anything about that?" Cabir asks him

Oh hell no, he is trying to see if Manik would lie and if he does we are going to be caught

"Yeah it was the tv, it was touching the wall so the vibrations were making noise" he says making me sigh so loud

"What was that for?" He asks

"Oh no, nothing, I felt like sighing, let me get you some coffee" I say about to leave so I can escape this situation, it feels like I am a child caught in a lie or something

"Im fine, sit down. You and I need to chat" he says

His voice wasn't 'lets talk business nandini', it was more of a 'I am about to say something you'd never expect me to say'

"Well I will get going, you two have fun" he winks at me making me laugh

"Bye bye cabu"

"Bye nandu" I giggle waving at him

It is so weird that manik's gaze makes me feel warm, I genuinely feel like his eyes have warmth in them.

"What is it that you wanna talk to me about?" I ask looking at him

"You have a passport right?" He asks

"Are you about to kidnap me?" I ask

"Not that lucky nandini"

"pst, as if a girl would be dying to get kidnapped by you" I roll my eyes

"Girls would murder to be kidnapped by me" he smirks

"What do you they see in you?" I ask even though I could probably name a handful of things that people see in him

"A lot actually, wanna see some things?" He asks

He was being playful with me, aww I love that

"Mhm yeah give it a shot" I say crossing my arms against my chest

"Really now?"

I hum nodding at him

I gasp when his arm grabs mine pulling me closer to him, my whole body burns with tingles with his chest moving against mine as he breaths

"So you don't see why girls throw themselves at my feet?" His voice is so husky and sounds different when it is so close, when he is so close

"No" I whisper

"They see things"

"Oh my god, they have seen you naked?' I gasp

his head tilts a little as he looks at me

"Did you just refer to my cock being seen by girls?"

"Well I said naked, you assumed I was talking about your mhm yeah so no I am not explicit"

"I didn't assume shit Nandini, it was exactly what you were thinking about and I am not sure if I should fire you or punish you"

"Neither, you should give me a promotion" I say nodding

"What for?" He asks

"Mhm dealing with your mood swings and dramatic ass for 5 months now, I heard all your assistants ran within weeks"

"Thats because they didn't have good work ethic" he explains

"It is because you are a tough cookie and people can't figure their way out around you plus 99.9% of human specimen out there is scared to even utter a single word to you"

He smirks proudly as if that is the point.

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