Chapter 48

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I honestly didn't think today would be as hectic as it has been, ever since I opened my eyes, it's been go go go. I haven't sat for even a second. Even though cabir and navya are on top of things, even Ryan but I have about 3 meetings that are lined up today

Even though nandini had cleared up our schedule, these three clients are international so it's hard to work around it but also they are very old and reliable clients so no I do not mind attending them

I am also very irritable right now because I haven't seen or heard Nandini's voice since this morning. I woke up to an empty bed like I always do when she sleeps beside me but it felt different today.

I wanted to wake up to her beautiful face but all I saw was a fucking pillow, it's annoying. The thing that's more annoying is the fact that the house sounds like a zoo with noises everywhere but not the voice I want to hear

"Hey you ready?" Cabir asks coming in the room

i smile seeing him in a sherwani, the last time he was in one was at his own wedding and he looked ecstatic but today he looks like he is over the moon

"Someone looks happy" I mumble

"Hell ya, my brother is getting married. Of course I am happy, I don't think I will ever be happier well maybe when you have kids"

I shake my head at his comment, aint no way I am having kids

"How about you and navy have kids?"

"Oh we will, we are planning for a whole football team because then you can make a cricket team right, brothers for life"

I couldn't help but laugh at his words hahaha

"Lets get you married" he says

"Where is nandini?" I ask as I grab my phone and keys

"Where she is supposed to be"

"This isn't a game, where is she?" I ask

"At the venue, she is almost ready"

"Why isn't she answering her calls?"

"Because navya has her phone, she was getting so nervous and anxious so navya took her phone and got her a coffee"

"Okay no, you guys are so stupid. She gets more anxious with coffee. Why the fuck wouldn't you just call me?"

I swear to god, this girl will be bouncing off the walls for sure

"Because shut the fuck up" he mumbles frowning

I dial navya's number and she picks up on the first ring

"Hi to you too but I know you are calling for Nandini and unfortunately she is very busy so you will have to wait"

"Manikkkkk" nandini's giggle makes me smile


It feels like its been forever since I have heard her voice

"Give her the phone"

"No" she says cutting the call

"what the fuck is up with you two?" I utter frustratedly

"It's a ritual, you two didn't follow the outfits ritual so we are keeping a close eye on you two. You know manik, if I didn't know that this was an arranged marriage, I'd a 100% think it's love because of how obsessed you are with her and vice versa" he mumbles

He isn't wrong, I am starting to get obsessed and I don't know if that's the right thing right now

"I am going to attend this call and I will be right there" I tell cabir when we reach the venue

"Manik you are getting married for god sake" I laugh at his comment before taking that work call I had

"Thanks"I mumble to the clients before I slip my phone in my pocket

As I was walking back to the room in the venue, my phone rings again but this time instead of frowning, I smile at the name popping up on my phone

'BABY' the name displays with the cutest picture of nandini

Yeah I had changed her name a little bit ago, well to be specific the day i asked her to marry me so like a couple days ago, yeah!


"Maniiiii it's meeee nandini" she giggles

My heart does a fucking flip, yeah it does a full on summersault or maybe I am about to throw up, I don't know but it feels like something

No one has ever used that nickname for me, it's so cute. Sure I sound girlish saying that but it's different and adorable only because it's coming out of her lips

"Hi baby" I whisper back

"Hehe I am hiding from navu"

"I can tell hun, but why are you hiding?" I ask hearing her muffled whispers

"She won't let me talk to you, she says it's bad luck but how can it be bad luck, we are about to get married" she reasons

"I am not sure, but cabir said the same thing to me"

"Are we bad bad for hiding and talking?" She asks

"No, you are literally about to be my wife, there is nothing bad in this"

"Nandini" navya's voice echos on the phone

"Hehehehe" nandini giggles

I could feel her clutching the phone tighter as she giggles, even over the phone I can feel her and thats so mhm new I guess or different

"Don't tell me you are calling him" navya yells

"nooooo call who? I am peeing, yes I am peeing" she yells back making me chuckle

"You shut peed, ahh open the door"

"Ahhh noooo" Nandini laughs

"Shh shh calm down baby, go on and open the door"

"But" she whines

"Come on, only a little bit before you walk down the aisle with cabir and become mine"

she takes a sharp breath making me smile

"manik" she whispers


"I am nervous"

"I know love, I can tell. open the door and hand the phone to navya for me"

"She will get gussa at me" she mumbles more like asks

"No she will not, come on open the door" I say

She hums opening the bathroom door

"You little shit" navya says making her laugh

"Little shit hehehe, scandalous but here you go"

"Who is it?"

"My future husband"


The tingles I felt in my stomach and the goosebumps all over my body makes me stop and take a gasp in

"Why are you calling her? I told you not to didn't I?" Navya scolds on the phone

"It's fine, can you get her some cold water and some sugar, not actual sugar but candy" I ask knowing it's her little snack before meetings

"Where do I find candy from right now?" she asks

"Fine grab her coke and put half the can in a cup wiht iceadn give it to her"

"Coke?" She asks

"Ohh I want" I hear Nandini

"god damn girl you are a ball of nerves" navya says

"That is rude" she mumbles

I can imagine a soft pout on her lips, I wish I could look at her right now but I know navya will be on my ass if I even ask

"Okay bye Romeo, we will see you when we see you" navya says cutting the call

Shit, I am obsessed, I really am

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