Chapter 47

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Manik's pov

I was sitting in my room, my feet sprawled on the bed with my laptop on my lap. A glass of whiskey in my hand as I sip on it looking at this will my father left.

He never once told me about a will, nor did he tell me about any property he owns, given that I was young and so was cabir but I am not sure why he would  also let my mother have a part in this

I should have been in LA right now with nandini trying to figure out our business plans for the next year but here I am looking at a piece my father left.

Just when I thought life was on track, jsut when I thought nyonika wouldn't be a problem, she became the sole reason why I am getting married tomorrow.

Like think about it, tomorrow but this time I will be taking vows with Nandini who loves the idea of a marriage. Then there is me, someone who doesn't even like hearing about marriages because I know how they end and how horrible things are at the end

"Manik" cabir's voice makes me look up


He walks in the room with a frown, a frown that deepens as soon as he sees me drinking. Him and I usually drink together once in a blue moon so I get why he is frowning

"Why the hell are you drinking?" He asks

"Felt like it" I mumbled

"Manik don't lie to me" he says laying down in front of me making me pull my legs back

"It's nothing, I am just looking at this will" I tell him

"I do not care about that, if nandini walks in here and sees you drinking, the fuck will go on in her head?" He asks


"No, she will start making up stuff in her head, get rid of it now"

"Cabir thats not me and I am not going to hide that I drink just because we are getting married" I tell him

"Yeah but"

'whatever, come look at this and tell me you see soemthing finicky with this" I say turning my laptop

He lays beside me grabbing the laptop looking at the will

"I mean the wording is fine but this signature seems weird" he says

"Right, it looks identical to dad's but"

"But dad didn't do it, at least not with a full heart" he finishes my sentence

"He was very stressed that evening" I whisepr

The night our father passed away, he was so stressed about soemthing. Cabir and I would usually sleep with him every night but that night he said he was going to be working late so cabir and I should stay in our rooms

"Is that why he didn't let us sleep in his room?" He asks me

"I think so, this seems way more complicated then just a will cabir"

"Have you asked Amir uncle to look at it?" He asks referring to our father's lawyer

"No, he is coming tomorrow so I will ask then"

"Don't worry about it, I will get Ryan and uncle both on it. You need to enjoy your wedding manik"

i scoff a little hearing him

"Enjoy? Cabir this all feels like it's being forced to happen"

'So you mean to say you don't want to marry nandini?" He asks

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