Chapter 10

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Nandini's pov

My head is throbbing in pain, and let's not even think about the fact that this stupid presentation is so messed up, plus the emails I had to send, yeah they look weird

I look up from my laptop and find Manik working so I look beside me and cabir was also working

"Yo" I whisper to cabir who looks up

"yeah?" He whispers back

"You think I can get some vodka from the restaurant downstairs?" I ask

"Vodka? probably not but why do you want some?"

"My head hurts and I just read vodka helps" I say turning my laptop to him

His eyes narrow and he chuckles loud enough to catch Mr monster's attention who looks at us, his eyes narrow slightly indirectly asking what's going on

When neither cabir nor I answer at all, he glares at us which is scary, you know it's like a monkey looking at the banana in your hand and you know you are about to get that banana snatched

Oh also sometimes when you are having ice cream and you see your little cousins looking at the ice cream, that is scary too or ghosts, ohh I do not do ghost they scare me

"What" he blurts out

"Oh nothing"

"Nandini wants vodka"

cabir and I both utter at the same exact time, turning to each other giggling

"And you think I am going to say oh yeah go ahead and get some vodka for yourself?" He toys mimicking my voice

"Okay but it's for medicinal reasons" I whisper

"Right, what kind of medicinal reason? You got your period?"

"Nope but does vodka help with cramps cause ill take it"

"It does not and you are being a menace"

i roll my eyes at his words

"You are being a menace" I mimic his words

"Do it again, I fucking dare you" he warns or challenges

"Do it again, I fucking dare you" I mimic again

He places his laptop beside me and I instantly grab cabir

"You help me, this monster will swallow me alive" I say

"Help you? Girl he hits very hard"

"No shit, have you seen him, he is like 4 little humans staked on top of each other. I am starting to wonder if a giraffe is his ancestor" I mumble

"A giraffe is not my ancestor and you will forget your name if I even grab your arm so shut your mouth"

"Damn you are grabbing me sexually?" I ask

"Ahh hahahahah oh my goddd" cabir laughs

"Nandini you are getting really out of bounds here"

"I am?" I ask

"Yes you are and I do not appreciate it, stop acting like we are best friends and start doing your work"

"But we are best friends" I say

I could feel frowns on my forehead

"Manik" cabir whispers

"No we are not best friends, we are not even friends nandini. We are nothing, you are just a mere employee, someone that is getting paid for making life easier for me. You are like every other employee I pay, you are not special and nothing about you screams anything that makes me want to be friends"

"Manik stop it" cabir says again

"You are friendly, sure, but do not try and be friendly with me, do not throw yourself on me and stop acting like you are innocent. Stop trying to touch me and stop being stubborn. You keep trying to joke around but let me tell you, you do not look cute, you look desperate for my attention. There is no difference between you and any other girl out there who begs and does weird shit for my attention. Nandini stop being desperate and start working" he blurbs out

I couldn't help but take a deep breath trying not to cry, my eyes stung as his words settle in.

I have been called and told many things, but not from someone who I thought was my friend.

"Manik you need to shut the fuck up and think before you speak" I hear cabir but nothing was going in my head

Manik's words begin to stir and all those things I was told when I was 15 comes rushing back, every single insult that I was screamed at stirs in my head

"Nandini, kiddo, he didn't mean those things" cabu says caressing my back

i look at him with a soft smile as I try hiding my hurt behind my smile, it is so stupid that this is even bothering me because I have heard worse

"It's okay, you know he isn't wrong. I do need to work harder, I think I am lagging" I say with a giggle


"It's fine, lets not be Debby downers, I will get you two food okay?" I say to cabir

"No you are sick"

"Im fine, took meds earlier, even got a good sleep, plus I am strong" I mumble showing him my arm muscles making him chuckle

"So strong kiddo'

I giggle getting out of bed, I grab a jacket from my bag and my wallet.

"I will be right back, don't miss me too much cabuuu" I joke

'Dang girl I already miss you"

I giggle shutting the door behind me, I walk downstairs to the restaurant and order food for the two boys.

"It will take 30 minutes" the worker lets me know

"That's okay, can you give me a call whne it's ready?" I ask

"Sure" I smile at them walking to the garden again

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