Chapter 30

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Nandini's pov

I could feel my head starting to hurt, it also feels weird almost like a bird is pecking at my head with their beak or something, it's horrible.

I think the last time I got such a headache was when I ran from that orphanage that one morning but I think after that I haven't had this sort of a headache at all

I have been trying to sleep the past 5 hours and I just can't, it is starting to piss me off, my brain is running a million miles an hour, of course all of it is about Manik

How can he love someone like soha? Sure I get that I haven't known her for a very long time but from what I saw, she isn't the right person, she also isn't a good person

I don't know why I am feeling this feeling, I don't even know what to call this feeling.

Not being able to sleep at all I finally open my eyes and find the lights on the jet low, it would have been completely dark if it wasn't for the small lights that were there

Turning my head I find manik still sitting beside me, as if noticing me, he looks over

"Done acting like you are a sleep?" He asks making me glare at him

"You know what? Fuck you" I yell for some reason

I don't think twice before I got up about to walk to the back where Riven took me earlier but I was stopped by manik's hand grabbing mine as he pulls me back to my seat

"Let go of me"

His eyes dart into mine, even though it was dark in the jet, the anger in his eyes was visible

"I said let go of me" I say it louder this time

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks

"There is nothing wrong with me, let go of my arm"


"I do not give a fuck, let me go"

I think that pissed him off more because he put his laptop away and grabbed my arm picking me up

"Manik let me go" I yell

"You aren't getting anywhere with all the yelling" he mumbles

I am very aware that I am angry and pissed for no apparent reason

"Ouch that hurts" I mumble when he drops me on a mattress

"What hurts more is your stupid voice, stop screaming and yelling like a caged bird" he says

"Why do you care?"

"Oh I don't"

"Then move" I say trying to push him aside but he grabs my wrist beside me

"The thing that's very interesting is the fact that you are angry"

"I am not" I lie

"You are and not just angry, you are jealous, darling"

"Fuck that, I am not jealous"

"Yeah you are"

"no I am not" I said looking him straight in the eye

"So if I'm getting this right, you are not jealous that Soha means something to me?" He states as if that changes my answer

"I don't care if she means something to you, great go have kids with her, kiss her, love her, whatever"

"She doesn't mean a single fucking thing to me, she is someone I despise, she reminds me of something that I refuse to let into my life again"

"She doesn't?" I couldn't help but ask

"She doesn't" he replies

"Then why'd you say that? i get that she is gorgeous but her personality is shit, im sorry for saying it but it is so true"

"The point is you are jealous of her"

"Fuck that, I can never be jealous of her or anyone out there" I say trying to push him again but he hovers slightly above me

"This language is going to get you in big trouble, darling. You need to fix that and soha means nothing to me, also get that in your head" he says

"I am not jealous of her"

"You are baby"

My cheeks felt warm hearing him calling me 'baby', but then there was a part of me that wondered if he has called her that

"I don't have people, I have no one so when I get someone, when I have someone, I am afraid of losing them"

"You don't have me hun, you don't have me" he repeats twice

My heart breaks in two or maybe a few pieces when I hear that.

"I don't" I whisper

I don't question it, nor did I mean it as a question, it was a statement. It was me trying to tell myself that I am alone and that I didn't have him to begin with.

"You don't, you never did and you never will" he says

i nod not having the energy to say anything or think anything.

It's not like I like him in that way or am in love with him but since he has made it clear that little speckle in my heart, the little thing I feel when he calls me using endearments is gone

That part of me that relaxed in his presence and the part of me that felt safe when he untangled my hair was gone. I felt cold, freezing cold, not in terms of temperature, argh I don't even know how to explain it other than saying I felt cold

"I understand" I whisper

He doesn't say anything but his eyes look in mine as if he was trying to find something, too bad for him, there is nothing there.

That part of me that I let out is back in shields and back in that cage again. I feel like I am back in that little kitchen.

Manik leaves my wrist walking out of the room, and that was it.

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