Chapter 5

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His eyes glance at my bag and then back at me, this happened a few times and by few I mean like he has been glaring at me and at my abs for the past 3 minutes

"What" I finally ask

"We are going for 3 days" he states

"Yes and? Should I have packed more?" I ask him

"More? Nandin this is for 3 months, not 3 days"

"Hey don't be rude, it is offensive to say that, plus what if I meet a cute boy at the beach" I whisper with a smile

The location we are going to is right by the waters so I know I will have tons of time to run around the water hence the outfits, I only packed 5 outfits and this man thinks this is too much

"Manik when was the last time you had a girlfriend?" I ask

"Never, now get in the car" he says putting my bag beside his in the trunk

"You won't open the gate for me?" I pout just to piss him off

"Do I look like a person who'd open doors for a girl?" He asks

"Yeah, yeah you do so do the honours" he frowns hearing me

"If you don't get in the car in the next 5 seconds, you aren't coming" he says

I don't question anything, I just in the car, not going to lithe has a dang nice car, it's a BMW, so comfortable and nice. The interior is black adn it's not tacky but so classy

"Quit it" he says

"I am literally not doing anything" I answer back

"You are gazing, stop it"

'Should I put a blindfold on?" I ask

"Yeah that's actually not a bad idea at all" he mumbles back making me glare at him

"Listen this is a 4 hour drive, can you act civil?" I ask

"I am always civil but you are the one who jumps all over the professional tag"

"The fuck does that mean?" I snap

My arm brushes against his making all the hair on my back stand up, it was weird, it almost felt like an electric shock but I could just be crazy

"Never and I mean never touch me again" he says pulling his arm away

His eyes show emotions that I have never seen before, it felt like he was in pain like physical pain.

"Sorry I didn't realize it"

"Don't do it again" he says

"I won't" I reply

A very awkward, weird silence takes place in the car and not jsut for a short amount of time, for like the next hour. The worst part was, the music wasn't even on and I didn't know if I was allowed to turn the radio on

"Manik" he hums and that means he isn't angry anymore

"Can I turn the music on?" He doesn't answer but turns on the radio

"Ohhh it's Justin Bieber" I yell

"Who?" He asks making my jaw drop

"Did you just say who"

"Are you deaf?"

"No but are you old? How the hell do you not know Justin, you know the biebs, the singer, the handsome handsome man"

"No I don't know who that is" he says making me groan

"Baby baby baby ohhh, one less lonely girl, beauty and the beast, that should be me making you laugh, that should be me" I start singing random songs from Justin Bieber

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