Chapter 27

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I was all over the place, now that I think of it, I am starting to get used to physical touch but just hers. Anyone else that lays hands on me even by accident it would piss me off but when she is grabbing my arm or holding me, I don't feel angry, I feel calm maybe

I still haven't been able to differentiate if I feel calm or anxious or peaceful when she touches my arm or when her arm brushes past mine as she shows me a file or something

"Monster monster" I hear

For a second I thought I head wrong but I was proved wrong when I turned around and found her walking to me in the backyard which is where I was

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Monster" she whispers

"I hear you hun, what are you doing here? I thought you are a sleep" I whisper back

She hums right before she yawns, I couldn't help but smile seeing her still holding the stupid spoon and spatula

"Sleep is overrated they say" she says

"Who is they?" I ask

She doesn't reply but rests her head on my chest.

"Are you sleep walking?" I couldn't help but ask

"You think I am crazy?" She asks pouting at me as she looks at me

"Psychotic is the word you are looking for"

"Damn right" she giggles

she hums at nothing, her eyes staring in my eyes api try to look away

"The wind is so pretty" she whispers

"Is it?" I ask

"Mhm hmm, my care taker used to tell me wind was her enemy because all of her hair would get messed up and the front yard used to get dirty. In my opinion, wind is so gorgeous, you know monster, if I ever have the choice of becoming something after I die, it would be the wind" she says with the most gorgeous alluring smile, yet my chest tightened a bit

Her care taker? That arises a lotto questions but the word 'die' makes me feel uneasy


"Death isn't a bad thing, there were times I wish I became the wind and other times I am glad I didn't" she mumbles

"I don't give a shit" I say pulling back from her

"That's fair" she says

the point is, it is not fucking fair that she is affecting me, her talking about death makes my chest tighten

"Are we going to bed?" She asks as she follows me

"Yeah we are" I say

she giggles banging the stupid cutlery against one another as she walks around singing a stupid melody in my room

"Will you quit pacing and jsut sleep"

"Sleep is gone" she says

"Nandini just go to sleep"

'So grumpy mr monster malhtora" she utters

When I glare at her she pouts at me walking out of my room and of course the second she leaves, all my anxiousness comes rushing back

I worked on some meetings and presentations till 5 in the morning and then I packed for the flight. Around 6:30 I texted nandini to come downstairs but I didn't hear anything back from her

I walked downstairs and saw her suitcase there, the tv was on playing tom and jerry.

"When I was 13 I had my first love" she sings stomping around in front of the tv with her stupid cutlery in her hand

She had her crappy wire headphones as she dances around using her spatula as a microphone

"Oh for you I would've done whatever and I just can't believe we aint together and I wanna play it Coll but im losing you, Ill buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring" she continues to sing

"Nandini" I call

"Im in pieces, baby fix me and just shake me till you wake me from ahhhh oh my goddd" she screams as she turns and sees me

she pulls her headphones out unplugging it from her phone

"Why are you just standing there?" She asks

"I have been calling you but you are too buys singing some god damn idiotic song"

"Okay you did not just call the Biebs idiotic" she sounded offended

"the who?" I ask

"Oh my god manik, are you 50?"

"The fuck did you just say to me?"

"You don't know who Justin Bieber is?"

"No, now move it or we will be late"

"You move it" she glares at me

"Wanna say it again?" I ask looking at her

She looks at me for a second analyzing if she has some wiggle room to argue, seeing that she doesn't she grabs her purse and starts to wheel her suitcase out

I grab her suitcase and mine taking it to the car, loading it in the trunk before I sat in the car with her.

"Airport" I tell Ronald, my driver

"Sure" he replies


I hum at her words looking at my phone

"what are we doing in Bali?" she asks


"yeah but there is no meeting on your schedule so what is it?"

she is right there aren't any meetings, in fact we are going there to look at properties actually

"we are looking to expand business, Bali is a great start" I tell her

"you are looking at land to build buildings on?" she asks suspiciously looking at me

"yeah, you got a problem with that?" I ask more like taunt I suppose

"not at all but don't you think it is a waste of a week to go to Bali just to view property that you aren't aware of"

"it is but I have seen the land, we also have a gala to attend"

"A business gala?" she asks

"yeah, we will also have a day or two in between so if you wish to do anything, you may"

she grins patting my arm but not like an actual pat, it was like a child clawing at their mother when they want to tell them something

"yay okay I am planning an activity then"

"whatever you wish to do, I need you to go over my emails for me as well and see if Ryan sends anything and if you see anything from him, bring my attention to it"

there is that suspicious look of hers that tells me she is curious

"does this have anything to do with that file Arun gave me?" she asks

"it has to do wiht none of your business"

a soft frown on her forehead as she nods before her head turns towards the window. I know I sounded harsh but I am already fighting my feelings, my whole personality right now and introducing my life, my past, the darkest part of my life to nandini is not on the list

I felt like shit for being harsh but I can't help it. I hate that my sentence came out that harsh but I can't go back and change it anymore.

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