Chapter 29

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Manik's pov

I could hear her giggles as she talked to Riven while he was giving her some brownies, we usually don't have any but I knew she'd ask for stupid snacks so I had riven stock them up in the jet

Nandini carries a lot of innocence with her, it's almost astonishing to see how she functions, the way she was scared of the plane taking off was kind of cute

my phone rings displaying Ryan's number, it was only 7 in the morning which meant whatever he found was serious

"Yeah?" I answer

"Hello handsome, how are you? Im good manik, how are you? Dude give me something"

"Shut up Ryan"

"Straight to the point, I guess, okay then"

"Did you find out about nyonika" I ask

"Yeah, but thats a laters problem, there is someone else who wants to see you "

"Yeah well there are tons of people who wanna see me, what makes this different?"

"It's your father's lawyer manik"


I know Amir, he has always been with dad, my father never trusted many people, only a couple people and Amir is one of them

"Why hasn't he reached out?" I ask

"He has but every time he tried, your mother was there to prevent it"

"What are you going on about?"

I was so confused, I haven't seen my mother in a year and she hasn't been anywhere near the office so how is she still prevention this

"Your father wrote something for you before he passed away, the lawyer was supposed to give it to you the day after your father passed away but he couldn't because your mother had your sole custody"

"Understood but what about after I turned 18"

"You should talk to your mother about that, she had restraining orders against the lawyer"

"What the fuck?"

"Relax, if you freak out like that, we are not going to get anywhere so go have a fun time in Bali and once you are back, we get started not his stuff"

"And you think I will be all happy in Bali after knowing my father has a will that I had no idea about?"

"See that's the thing, if it was the old manik, he'd attempt to cancel the trip but this manik has not mentioned it once"

'Shut up Ryan, I will let cabir know of this, till I'm back can you just be in the office with cabir"

"Yeah no worries"

"No sex anywhere near my cabin"

"It was one time" he yells

when we had the old office, this guy was having sex in my cabin with his then boyfriend, now husband on my couch because my cabin never has cameras

'It was enough"


I quickly give cabir a call who obviously picks it up after 3 tries


"Talk to ryan, he will explain and do not let nyonika anywhere near the office"

"Mhm hmm kay"


"Its so ealryyy get off my ass dude, but yeah I go it. Text me when you land and take care of my sister"

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