Chapter 36

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Nandini's pov


Here we go!

We have been back from Bali for almost a week and some time and I feel like I am living in a house where I am the outcast. I know it's me being dramatic but Jesus Christ, it feels like cabir and manik have this huge secret that they are trying to hide from me

There are times I feel like I am walking on eggshells around manik and cabir, every time I walk into a room, the whispers stop and they both look at me like deers caught munching on some yummy snacks

"NANIDINI" he yells for me again

I got up from my chair, walking into his cabin.

"Yes" I answer standing in front of his desk

"Did you not hear me screaming the first time or did you ignore it?" He asks

"Ignored it, thought you'd call again, sorry, yell again if you really needed me" I mumbles taking a seat on the chair in front of him

He looks at me with one of those looks, the one that screams how proud he is of my attitude but also how pissed off he is at my audacity.

The thing is, after our talk in Bali, manik and I have been great but there are times where I want to strangle him for being rude. Then again, I know that I can't expect the rudeness to go away, out personal life is different than our professional, plus I like it that way

If he started behaving differently with me, id feel like I am getting stuff because of our personal equation and not because I deserve it

"Nandini" he warns, his jaw ticking a little

"Yes manik, what can I help you with"

"I need you to find me a wife" he says making me choke on my own spit

"What?" I ask in between my coughs

"A wife, you have a week, figure it out"

"Hahha are you on crack?" I ask giggling

His look was enough to let me know he wasn't joking, he was being very serious

"Manik you do realize you are asking for a wife not some candy or special coffee I can order form abroad?" I ask

"Your job is to make my life easier so do as you are told nandini, find me a wife"

"How the fuck do I do that? Mr malhotra wants to get married, come give your interview?"

He is seriously on some drugs

"Sure, if that helps go right ahead"

"Manik are you fucking with me?" I ask inching closer to get a wife of any kind of alcohol but I was disappointed when I don't smell anything but his insanely addicting cologne

"I am not, now stop wasting time and get on wiht it"

"Why do you need a wife?" I couldn't help but wonder as I lean back in my seat

"None of your business"

"That's not the answer"

"nandini stop asking questions and do what I pay you to do" he says

"You pay me to do architectural work not to find you a wife plus who even wants to marry you" I roll my eyes

"A billion girls in this world want me, and that's if I am not counting the older ones" he cockily utters

"Well clearly a billion people need to get an optometrist cause they are fucking blind"

"Nandini do not piss me off, I already have a lot on my plate"

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