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"Avery!" Maya shouts from her room

I groggily wander into her room, watching her fuss through her clothes in her closet.

"Maya, it is too damn early to be so loud and enthusiastic." I complain, laying down on her bed.

"It's 10am, it's not that early."

"Too early for enthusiasm."

"You'll get over it, I need help. What the hell do I wear?" she asks, throwing clothes on top of me.

"Clothes." I reply sarcastically, unburying myself.

"Funny. I really need your help, Ave."

"Why are you stressing about it? It's just an outfit."

"It's the first day of our last year of college, I want to make an impression!" she huffs.

"An impression on who? The same people we've seen every day for the last 3 years?" 

"No, an impression on any possible hot boys that haven't seen me yet, or maybe even the new English teacher."

"Ah yes, the new English teacher who's probably 50, balding and somehow married." I reply.

"Doesn't mean he can't be hot." 

"Your taste in men is weird." I reply.

Maya shoots me a defeated look. I may not understand her stress over an outfit, but that doesn't mean I won't help her.

"Alright, calm down." I tell her, standing up and rummaging through her clothes.

"Wear this." I say, tossing an outfit her way.

She puts it on and stares at herself in the mirror, a satisfied smile forming on her face.

"See, this is why I asked you for help." she compliments me.

It's not like it was an intricate choice, it's a black skater-skirt, and a deep blue, long sleeve shirt with a deep v-neckline. The blue compliments her skin-tone and the overall fit of the outfit compliments her body shape. I toss her some high-top converse and some socks long enough that just peak out above the top of the shoe, that match the blue on her shirt.

"Do you want some spandex shorts for coverage?" I ask her.

"Nah" she replies, bending over with her ass facing the mirror, showing just about two inches of her cheeks.

"Perfect." she smiles.

"You're such a whore." I tease her. Not that I'm much better.

"Whatever gets me laid." she laughs.

"Point proven." I reply. She smacks my arm playfully and sits down to put on her makeup.

"You better go get ready, class is in an hour, and you look like a troll." she jokes.

"I'd keep quiet before I sabotage that outfit." I glare at her. She laughs and fake zips her mouth closed. I leave her room and head to the bathroom to take a shower, after which, I head into my room and get dressed. I don't care as much about an impression, but I do want to look decent. 

I put on some black skinny jeans with a white tank top tucked in and a black leather jacket. The white tank top is a bit sheer so you can see my light pink bra underneath it in the right lighting. Just a hint of sexy. With that, I put on some black, high-heeled booties and call it good.

I'm not much of a makeup person, not because I'm trying to be quirky or "different", just because I'm lazy and honestly not great at it. If I ever want more makeup than usual and want it to look good, Maya does it for me. That being said, I put on some mascara, put gel in my eyebrows, put on some highlighter and I'm done. Maya taught me about highlighter a while ago and it really does make a difference in elevating your makeup, even if you're barely wearing anything. Plus, it's just pretty and fun. My long, straight, brown hair is just brushed and left alone, usually I'd do a little something with it but I'm too tired today.

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