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He slams me against the bookshelf again, picking up right where we left off with the kiss... Hungry, hasty, and desperate. There are a few minutes of messy kissing with occasional rough bites and our hands grabbing at each other. Then, he pulls back for a second.

"Come here." he growls, before quickly tossing me over his shoulder. I'm very thankful my medicine kicked in, or I may have ruined the moment by throwing up. Instead, I feel goosebumps cover my body and I tingle between my legs.

He walks us out of the room, and into another, which appears to be his bedroom. That's confirmed when he tosses me onto the bed. A very comfortable bed, I might add. He grabs my ankles and yanks me down the bed a bit and leans over me to kiss me again. The bed is tall, sitting just below his waist, so his pelvis is perfectly aligned with mine, making it easy for him to press his erection against my core. My heart rate increases and travels south.

His hands trail down the sides of my body, hooking his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and then sliding to the front, and undoing my button and zipper. In the blink of an eye, he's pulled them off and tossed them to the floor. Nearly as fast, he's then taken off my jacket and his shirt. Since my eyes are closed while his lips are dancing with mine, I examine his torso with my hands, tracing every divot and muscle crease that he has. I may not be looking at it, but I could draw every detail with ease if you asked me to in this moment.

One of his hands holds onto my hip tightly, while the other grabs onto my throat, and holds tightly as well. As his grip tightens, his kissing intensifies. I moan against his mouth and unintentionally grind my core against him. I want him so badly, it's almost paralyzing.

He pulls from my lips and kisses from my collar bone, up my neck and stops at my ear...

"What do you want, Avery?" he whispers deeply.


"What do you want from me?"

He's really going to torture me, isn't he?

"Fuck me." I moan.

His hand leaves my throat and maneuvers down my torso, slipping the tip of his finger under the top of my panties, and he drags it side to side, gently.

"Say it again." he groans.

"Fuck me." I repeat, unintentionally sounding more desperate this time.

"Say please..."

Good fucking god.

"Please... Please fuck me. Please." I beg.

"Good girl." he chuckles breathily. Goosebumps prickle my skin again.

He quickly takes off my top, and bra, leaving me in just my lace underwear. His eyes focus on my breasts, noticing my nipple piercings and I see the realization on his face when he figures out that's the piercings I mentioned.

"Fuck..." he growls. He slides his pants off, giving me a wonderful view of his bulge in his light gray boxers. I can see how much he wants me. It makes me want him even more, which I didn't think was possible.

He flips me over onto my stomach, and leans over me again, putting his mouth against my ear.

"If at any point I'm being too rough, or too hard... Just tell me and I'll stop." he says. I chuckle to myself and reach back, slipping down the top of my underwear, revealing my "Harder" tattoo. I feel his thumb trace across it, and while I can't see his face, I can tell that reassured him. He grabs my hips and pulls my ass in the air, slipping my underwear down to my knees and his hand gently rubs my right cheek. Without warning, his fingers from his other hand rub against my wet slit. I gasp at the sudden pleasurable feeling.

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