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I didn't have any classes today, so my mom came to spend the day with me. We're just finishing up with lunch while I try to convince her to let me take her shopping.

"I don't need to go shopping, Nick." she protests.

"Right... Mom, I love you, but you know that's not true. I don't think you've bought a new article of clothing in 10 years."

"Why would I when all of my clothes still fit and function just fine?"

"I'd agree with you if you were right but mom... I don't think I've seen you wear anything that wasn't stretched out, ripped, or stained in my whole life."

"You may be right... But you know I don't care about fashion. If the clothes still fit and cover what they need to, I'm good."

"I understand that. Just please let me buy you a few new pieces. I promise you'll enjoy it, and it really isn't a big deal."

She stares at me, and I can see the defeat in her eyes. She's a stubborn woman, but she birthed an even more stubborn son.

"Fine. A few things. Where are we going?"

"There's a few stores around here, let's just walk by and see if anything catches your attention."

Reluctantly, she agrees, and we start walking around the area, looking at stores. To my surprise, she actually goes into the first one she sees. I thought it'd be more difficult to get her into a store.

As we wander around, she's grabbing things to try on, and I'm actually baffled at how many things she's grabbed. It's only like 6 things, but that's more than I expected. After trying everything on, she only ended up getting 2 items, but we're off to more stores.

"Luke is gonna be a bit upset... I never even let him buy me clothes, or really anything else." she says, as we migrate into another store.

"Let the man buy you something, mom. He loves you, and I've known him long enough to know that buying things and acts of service are how he shows love."

"I know, I know. I'll let him buy me something soon. It's ironic that I don't like when people buy me things or do things for me, yet both my son and my husband do both those things to show love." she chuckles.

"Yeah, you screwed yourself there." I chuckle.

It didn't take long in this store for my mom to gather some items she wanted to try. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, I know she's enjoying this. She also knows that I can afford it. I'm surprised I've been able to keep my main source of income a secret from her for so long. She knows teaching doesn't pay enough for me to live how I do, so I had to come up with something to tell her, and I ended up saying that I do some marketing work for extra income. It worked out well because she doesn't really understand it, so she doesn't ask any questions.

While I stand outside of the dressing rooms, my thoughts waver to Avery, specifically back to the gym. It seemed like she flirted with me a little as she was leaving. That comment about my hands, and the look on her face, didn't seem innocent. I'm trying not to think too much into it because I don't know if I just read her wrong, and we just agreed to start over, so I don't know why she would flirt with me after that. It certainly didn't help that her gym attire was beyond flattering on her. And why the hell does she look so hot when she's sweaty?


Speak of the devil...

"Avery. Hey." I smile, trying to pretend I wasn't just mentally drooling over her sweaty body. Of course she'd be at the same store as me, at the exact moment that my thoughts were about her. And why did she start calling me "Nick" again?

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