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Ian walks inside, a huge grin on his face.

"I came to see you, man. I had nothing else to do and I figured you either didn't have shit for plans either, or you're doing work that can wait." he laughs, slapping my arm and opening my fridge.

"Sorry man, I'm starvin'." he says.

"No problem. Um, listen... This is kind of a bad time. I'm sorry, I know you drove all the way here but-"

"You son of a bitch... You've got a girl here, don't you?" he laughs quietly.

I'm not sure what to do here. Do I lie? I have no reason to lie to him. Avery already agreed that it was okay for me to tell him about us... Which I haven't yet. It just feels odd and nerve wracking to tell him... Especially when she's literally in the other room.

"Who is it?" Avery texts me. Thank goodness I brought my phone.

"Ian, my best friend. He came to surprise me." I reply.

"Is that the girl? Why is she texting and not coming out here? Oh... Did y'all just get done with something?" Ian says.

"Well... Weren't you going to tell him about us anyways? Should I just introduce myself? Whatever makes you most comfortable." Avery replies.

I guess there's no reason to hide it...

"Uh, yeah. She's just getting ready." I tell Ian.

"My man. You haven't gotten any action in a long time." he grins, nudging my shoulder.

"I'd actually like you to meet her." I tell him.

"Say less. Whenever the lady's ready, just bring her on out. I'll be here." he smiles, rummaging through my fridge again.

I head back into the room and find Avery almost ready.

"You look so beautiful." I smile, stopping in my tracks to admire her. She grins and blushes.

"Thank you. You're quite handsome, yourself."

"So... What are we doing?" she whispers.

"I want you to meet him."

She looks a little shocked.


"Yes, really."

"You don't think it's too fast? Or it'll be awkward? I don't know... I'm nervous."

I grab her shoulders and pull her to face me.

"It'll be fine. He definitely won't judge us, if that's what you're worried about. And it won't be awkward... But he might make a big deal out of it so... Just prepare for that. I don't think it's too fast but if you do, that's okay. Just say the word and I'll get rid of him."

"Why would he make a big deal out of it?"

Well crap...

"Uh... I may or may not have been pining for you since I met you... And he's been telling me to go for it the whole time... So, when he finds out that I finally did, he's gonna flip."

"Aw... You had a crush on me?"

"Watch it... You had one on me too, otherwise we wouldn't be in this situation."

She can't wipe the smile off her face.

"Alright... Are you okay with meeting him?" I ask nervously.

"What are we waiting for?" she smiles.

We leave the bathroom and walk out to the kitchen, where Ian is still sifting through my food, not that I'm surprised.

"Ian." I say, getting his attention.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now