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Averys voice and presence startled me. I was deep in thought and deep in writing. She stands in the doorway of my office, in a shirt of mine that is definitely too big for her but makes her look hot and adorable at the same time. I don't know how she manages to do that.

"You left me all alone." she says, beginning to walk towards me. I quickly close my tabs and open my email, hoping to play it off like I was doing something for school.

"I know, I'm sorry, I had to get something done. I didn't want to wake you." I smile as she settles herself on my lap.

"I didn't expect you to be up yet." I say.

"Me either. What is it, 8am?"

I nod.

"Yeah, I'm never up this early... But I guess someone put me in a deep sleep and I actually got some good rest for once." she smiles.

I wrap my arms around her waist and smile at her.

"Well, I'm glad I could be of service."

She chuckles.

"So what made you leave a half-naked woman in your bed so early in the morning?" she asks, glancing at my computer screen.

"Oh, schoolwork." I mutter.

"School work? On a Saturday morning? Listen, I know we sometimes have extra stuff to do that flows into the weekend but... Usually we wait until later in the day." she giggles.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was just up and decided to get it done. You were sleeping so peacefully; I didn't want to wake you."

She grins and kisses my forehead.

"It's fine, Nick. I'm only teasing. But next time, don't be afraid to wake me. I definitely should get used to waking up early, like a normal adult. Besides, if I'm with you, time is better spent awake than asleep."

"You're adorable." I chuckle.

"I made a pot of coffee if you'd like any, it's still hot." I tell her.

"Thanks, but... I'm not a coffee person." she replies.

"I guessed that might be the case. I've never once seen you with a coffee, and usually college students have a cup glued to their hand." I joke.

"Yeah, that's definitely the norm for college students. Coffee just doesn't do anything for me. No caffeine really does. I just need time to wake up, and occasionally some breakfast."

"Would you like some breakfast?" I ask her.

"No, no. I'm okay, really."

I give her a playful glare. I can tell she's lying to me.

"Nick, really. I'm okay. I don't wanna bother you for food."

"Bother me? For food? The fuel we need to function as humans? Avery, it only bothers me that you think I'd be bothered by that." I tell her. She smiles and looks away from me.

"What is Ms. Hughes thinking for breakfast on this Saturday morning?"

She giggles.

"How about scrambled eggs and sausage?"

"Pretty sure I scrambled your eggs with my sausage last night..." I joke, cringing at the words escape my mouth. I couldn't help myself.

She cackles and gets up from my lap.

"I was going to help you cook breakfast, but now you can do it all on your own while I sit and watch." she jokes.

"That's alright." I chuckle, standing up.

Worth The Risk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now