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Avery gets here in an hour. Maya is dropping her off. It's nearly 5pm and I am frantically prepping for her to come.

I decided to set up a date in my place, because she once mentioned that she loves more private dates, and seeing effort put into them. She mentioned it purely casually, but I made a mental note of it.

I bought fake candles and set them up around the apartment. I chose fake ones because I want them lit for a while, and I don't like the fire hazard of like 40 lit candles lying around the apartment.

Then I got some rose petals, red, pink and white, and sprinkled them from the front door to the dining table, and to the bedroom as well as all over the bedroom.

I'm cooking a nice dinner, specifically steak with mashed potatoes and zucchini bread, since she said that was one of her favorites. I decided to opt for homemade zucchini bread... But I strongly underestimated how difficult it was. It shouldn't have been, so many people online did it in a breeze, but I struggled like hell. I can only hope it tastes good, seeing as it's my 3rd batch. The first two came out burnt, and just looked plain awful. This one actually looks how it does in photos, so I'm going to pray it tastes good. I didn't want to ruin the loaf by taking a bite yet.

I set the table with more candles and rose petals. The bedroom has my comfiest bedding, and of course, rose petals on the bed, in the shape of a heart. In the center of the heart, is a present I got for her. I'm most nervous about that. I hope she likes it.

Just shortly before she's arriving, I dim the lights and turn on some low, soft music. Then I change into nicer clothes, choosing my white button-down shirt, tucked into my black slacks, and I decide to put my shoes on because... Well, the outfit doesn't look complete without them.

I also caught on to something that Avery loves when it comes to button down shirts... Sleeves rolled to the elbows, and leaving a few buttons undone at the top. I fix my hair, spray some cologne, set the table with food, and nervously pace in my kitchen until she arrives.

*Knock, knock*

"Hello my pretty girl." I smile, opening the door and gesturing her inside. She immediately drops her bag and jumps into my arms.

"I missed you." she says, her voice muffled by my shoulder that her face is buried in.

"I missed you too." I chuckle. I squeeze her tight, not wanting to let go... But I don't want the food to get cold, so I set her back down.

"Wait... Why are you dressed up? Are we going somewhere?"

"Not exactly. Come." I smile, grabbing her hand.

When we turn into the kitchen, her jaw drops.

"Nick... You did all this?"

I nod and watch her expression. She seems astounded and happy. Just what I was hoping for.

"Well, I'm definitely not dressed for the occasion." she chuckles, looking down at her outfit; jeans and a hoodie.

"It's fine, babe. You're beautiful in anything." I smile.

"Okay but wait... I do have something I can put on that's a little better. I'll be right back!" she says, grabbing her bag and running to my second bathroom. Thank god she went there and not to the bedroom... That part of the surprise would be spoiled fast.

I stand near the table and wait a few minutes before she comes out, pulling her chair out to seat her and then I see what she's wearing...

"That dress..."

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